
It would be interesting to see how your perspective on social skills might change if you are constantly living and working in a hostile environment. As they say, "all is fair in love and war."

How do we know that she didn't go through the proper administrative channels before finally getting fed up? It seems that we always act shocked when the victim retaliates after being bullied. Where was all of this concern and outrage when this child was being victimized?

They have drinks on this show, so....

Damn, girl! This child is officially my new hero.

She's the new Thandie. At least that's what I thought when I saw the trailer.


Now playing

I am a teacher as well, and this is such a teachable moment...

Now playing

Race is a big deal in Brazil too! Now, more than ever—especially with the mandate for affirmative action in the universities. PBS/Wide Angle "Black and White in Brazil"


I remember my mom and her friends going off when Bo Derek was exalted by the mainstream as a "game-changer" for wearing cornrows in 10. The act of cultural appropriation is nothing new.

The kids that were filming, were also instigating.

...or rather "hangry".

She looks like she's in pain. On the verge of a nervous breakdown. But, I guess you would be angry too if had been told not to eat and then have to surrounded by "food"...that you still won't be able to eat.

This show seriously needs some racial/ethnic diversity.

Um... Duh.

This post is just...ugh... What is wrong with you all? (Suffice it to say, I totally did a spit take when I read the headline :))

Kudos for Kim! She left! Seriously, if someone offered me a half mil to attend a party, I would go. But I have to give credit where credit is due. The decision was made to leave the affair due to the aggressively disparaging, racist actions of these people. The fact that they left speaks to how little the money

Maybe he thinks that he's gonna get some....?

Only Twilight tho... And, I think that had a lot to do with Catherine Hardwicke. Why didn't Gregory Boyce make it into the other films?

The ONLY WHITE NEED APPLY casting is what makes this a race issue. The fact that all ethnicities were not considered for the role, as Katniss’ character is racially ambiguous—Olive skin, dark hair, and grey eyes encompasses a range of ethnicities.