
But Ariana is the most successful icon in her genre since the Gerber baby!

En route.

That is not a human head, that is Christmas ham with a face carved into it.

In Soviet Russia, server hit on you.

“Sally Field wuz here.”

She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.

I hope she goes from slide to slide by rubbing her head against the screen.

When you rubbed your forehead with Jay-Z’s, it seemed like an economical transaction


She’s like a baby learning her face

I’ve seen this way too many times in the past 24 hours and I still CANNOT get over Kylie Jenner’s mouth movements. She’s like a baby learning her face. I don’t even notice JLo.

And yet it’s the “nanny state” when democrats like Michelle Obama want to remove oreos and doritos from school vending machines.

oh god “honey pot” would just make me feel like i was having sex with winnie the pooh

Christ this woman has been killing it lately with these bits. I love watching her rise: it just keeps getting better.

If Ray Lewis joined a Barbershop Quartett.

I am the ducklings and the Rock is the yo-yo.

My dad was like that. I love brussels sprouts know, but hated them growing up. One time when I was 6 he told me that I wasn’t allowed to leave the table until I had eaten all my sprouts.

I disagree primarily because of two words: