
Ashy is a choice.  PeriodT!!  Thank you, sir.

I upgrade Terry to TRashy. The T is for Toxic and R for Remorseless.


It took me a while to get around to watching her video. She really is an inspiration.

She straight up looks like a member of the Dora Milaje (the all-female members of the Wakandan Special Forces, for the non-comicheads...). Elegant, composed, observant, but ready to wreck shit if things go sideways in the House chambers. Kill it, Queen! 

I never even knew WTF a Joe Ligotti was until now.

45 looks like a flame headed Lex Luthor. And dude in the top left’re not fooling anyone with that combover. It looks like you’re combing the hair from the crack of your ass and pulling it to the top of your head. Dude next to him looks like he stole his hair from a 1983 Bloomingdales mannequin. I have

Kanye seems to be caught up in that “thinking the opposite of what people are used to means I’m thinking freely” mentality that most people grow out of in adolescence. That doesn’t make you a free thinker, just a contrarian. You’re still just as concerned with what other people think.


Are you sure you don’t ghost write the clapback mailbag?

The longer I look at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the more he goes from being the radical old white guy with the alternative ideas to the white guy who’s way too comfortable around black people.

Bernie in a nut shell.  Tone deaf to issues of race and gender, but somehow the voice of the people...

I literally just made some popcorn before seeing this article. What timing! 

Ooh I'm gonna get my popcorn for the show!

I don’t even know if we are going to have reasonable discussion about this one?

I’d bet the taxpayers will end up footing the bill, plus legal fees. Probably in a confidential pre-trial settlement — at least if school-district officials have the imagination to picture themselves on the witness stand, explaining that third-degree burns over 10% of your body are a merely cosmetic problem.

Ooo boy they’re not gonna like this. 

Let’s talk about evidence. Have you read any of the actual articles or listen to the evidence they themselves have submitted? Have you looked at the legal avenues that each has and is pursuing? Do you know anything about the rules of the Times Up fund? These three women have not only continued to live their lives as

How original, next time just say bitches be lyin’, LOL. I know Russell and those women are not grifters.

Ugh. This makes me sad. I saw him speak at a tech conference a couple of years back and he was so eloquent about empowering underserved voices in both the entertainment and tech industries. My heart goes out to those women.