
I’m not surprised. I’ve even read comments on a local news blog how the commenters enjoy coming to Jezebel to read our comments because they believe them to be stupid then tell us how stupid they think we are.

That’s a good comment! I got sucked into trying to explain why talking about her body isn’t cool. That was a pointless argument, unfortunately.

1/10 of an ounce is just shy of 3000 milligrams. Your average fluoridated water contains about 1mg per liter. Meaning, you would need to drink about 1200 gallons of water to reach that toxic dose. Dose being the operative word here, because you would die of water toxicity far before that.

Did you know....

And the worst part about having to use that excuse is that the guy is only going to stop flirting/hitting on you out of respect to your imagined beau and not out of respect to your wishes to be left the fuck alone...

My guy friends think I’m an asshole for always pretending to be in a relationship when I get hit on. To be honest, whether it is ethically right or wrong to lie to someone in that situation does not matter to me. I just do what I think is the most likely to get the guy to stop hitting on me, and the least likely to

similarly-oppressed group

Kind of like the Oscars were all about long as you were black.

The author makes a black history month reference in the second sentence and one of his headers is “Some of my best friends are black” so it isn’t exactly surprising that people are framing the discussion the same way he has.

And AnthonyIsMyPreferredCarter, you’ve just reconfirmed the reason I don’t give two shits now about ongoing talks about racism and have turned from being a concerned, supportive advocate to IDGAF about equality issues. In all the conversations I’ve had about racism, instead of speaking about issues in a nuanced way,

With any luck, to my butt. Would save me some coin.

You just don’t get how essential plastic surgery is. It makes the first Mrs. extend her expiry date until after they’ve become rich enough to be able to stash the half she had coming to her in the divorce. It’s God’s work, really. Abortions that mean women don’t have to put up with their crap? Not God’s work.

Yes, me criticizing one specific person’s opinion means I was criticizing all black people. Nailed it.

Well this seems great for all of those people who have tiny noses and want them to be a little bigger or the shape to be tweaked.

The irony of this being written on Deadspin too- how many of these writers are or have actually been professional athletes? Wait, how many of these opinions are absolute dog shit then...

Did you not read the rule book.? White people haven’t been black, so they can’t talk about what a black person might experience. (Most) Men haven’t been women, so they can't talk about what a woman might experience. Apparently everyone has lived life as a white male though, so everyone can make whatever assumption,

excuse me me, ass laser-ing?? sounds like a procedure created by Dr. Evil.

Gosh, thank you. Telling someone to shut the fuck up about a topic just makes them mad. It doesn’t at all make them understand. It just sounds immature.

Ooh, the oppression Olympics. I’m sure this will be a useful discussion.

Hello, Black Americans. We understand your issue with race and all, and I’mma let you finish, but we’ve really been screwed over for a couple hundred years longer than you and nobody seems to give a shit any more.