
It’s not a British thing and that’s an incredibly narrow minded ignorant comment you’ve just made. Paedophilia is not accepted in the UK, we have just discovered lots of entertainers/politicians who were part of a large paedophile ring and are punishing them appropriately. However, in the USA there is still a large

Hustle and flow is amazing!

Rami Malek looks incredible. So dapper. I find him ridiculously attractive in Mr Robot.

I’m just so glad he has been punished for what he’s done and is no longer a threat to vulnerable women. He will be powerless for the rest of his miserable existence.

Kanye would have won this if he had just come out and said “yeah I love butt play and what?”. Instead he’s just playing into Amber’s hands, what an idiot. All the men I know are totally secure enough to say they enjoy it. I don’t understand the stigma attached to it in 2016!

It’s so easy to just say that someone is mentally ill because their behaviour is deemed abnormal, but if she isn’t hurting herself or anyone else then why does she need professional help? I’d rather have a bunch of cat people to contend with in society than alcoholics/drug addicts.

I too stand with Nano. We should be allowed to express ourselves however we wish without fear of judgment. If being a cat makes her happy then more power to her.

I can’t believe you can be awarded for double penetration. How would you even decide what constitutes a superior double penetration scene? I need to watch more porn.

I could never be an actor, how boring would it be to sit in a chair for hours having make up applied? I’d want to kill someone.

Art is subjective, so you can’t claim otherwise. I agree that he’s not anywhere near as talented as his black counterparts, but at least he acknowledges his privilege unlike that completely untalented mess Iggy Azalea.

I would actually like to see that! Would be a train wreck like an awful scyfy channel B movie.

Perhaps in the future, Don, if you don’t wish to be judged then keep your hands off women? Seriously.

This is exactly what I’ve been trying to explain to my friends. The problem is the lack of roles for POC in Hollywood. The exclusion of anyone non white in the oscars is disgusting, but are people really surprised when they don’t get cast in leading roles? It’s a poor reflection on society also, as the racist uproar

In times of extreme stress I always ask myself “what would Madonna do?”

THIS IS MY WORST NIGHTMARE! I have extreme bug paranoia and obsessively check for infestations. How exactly can you even tell if you have bed bugs? You could be infested and just not know how to spot the signs. Some people don’t even have visible bite marks. Absolutely terrifying.

Is it bad that I really want to try this? It’s doubtful that I’ll find 3 other people I feel comfortable enough to attempt this with though. Maybe I could hire 3 escorts and treat myself one day.

As I read the beginning of the article I rolled my eyes. Coming from an underprivileged background in the UK and seeing scummy crap like racism, poverty, addiction, homophobia etc it just struck me as really odd that he has never witnessed a racist incident. They are everywhere unfortunately, particularly in the

I don’t know why everyone is so upset by this, I mean it’s not like he drugged them before he assaulted them. Only a monster would do that.

For a 10 hour long documentary they certainly skimmed over some important evidence and details about the actual murder. However I do believe that Avery and Brendan are innocent. What makes me so convinced is the fact that Avery was suing for 36 million. The timing of the murder is highly suspicious. Don’t even get me

I love Erika so far. I'm hoping she can dethrone Lisa V as the queen of the Beverly hills housewives. She marked Lisa's card this episode, and is clearly very socially aware.