
I love trashy reality TV, has anyone watched this and found it entertaining?

It’s a different scenario but I experienced something similar. I was on a night out in London, and one of those moronic ‘you tuber’ people was filming me and my friends. My friends were playing up to the camera, but I explicitly told the man that he was not permitted to film me or steal my image. He then proceeded to

This woman is incredibly brave. The North Korean prisons are pure torture, as far as I know. She’s a hero and should not be disrespected in any way with regards to her telling her story (/the truth).

He would have cared for pride’s sake I think. I was glad when Tommen made the only decent decision in his short pathetic life and took a dive off the roof.

You too. It’s better to talk about it with people who understand and I believe that women are feeling brave enough to speak openly about it more now.

Thanks, I hope so. It happened to me 10 years ago too, when I was still a child. I pushed it away and tried to repress it for years and have only started to talk about it recently. It’s just been 10 years of anger and self destruction and I wish I had dealt with it sooner.

Well mine isn’t. And I wasn’t suggesting that is always case, but it often is.

WOW. This has made me rage shake. I am so disappointed and disgusted by people who feel sympathy for the perpetrator and not the victim. Unless you have direct experience with it, whether it’s you or someone close to you, you have no concept of the way rape and sexual abuse destroys lives. Cry me a river, he can’t

Of course Jared’s hooked up with fans....some of whom have allegedly been underage at the time. He’s a creep.

He’s probably doing this to prove that she’s ‘crazy’ therefore what she says appears to be the delusions of a mentally ill woman. Ignoring the fact that she probably has mental health issues because of the trauma that he inflicted upon her. Disgusting.

Kara can you write about the real housewives of cheshire and compare the British fashions to the American franchises?

I love how easily duped all these art ‘experts’ are.

I love Ken and LVP but he has been villainized because he always gets involved in LVP’s friendship drama. I find it hilarious, him calling Yolanda a stupid woman had me crying with laughter! His insults of Rinna this season have been hysterical too.

I have never been so excited for a TV show in all my life. Whatever happened to baby jane is one of my all time favourite films and I love Bette Davis!

I didn’t get the appeal of channing tatum until I watched magic mike. I would go!

I’m bipolar and experience this ‘I’m fine I don’t need meds’ then I stop taking them and have severe episodes. This is why I ask my family to manage my money for me, pick up prescriptions, and hope they see the warning signs and get me back on medication if I’ve stopped taking it. I understand, I’d quite like a

So Romeo is a model, Brooklyn a photographer and now Cruz is a singer! I wonder what talent Harper will have? Or if she’ll be the black sheep of the family.

Thank you for that great idea! Unfortunately I only have one friend who watches real housewives, and she is a bit of a novice compared to me!

Why the fuck is this cretin not in the greys?

That’s a bit rude really. It just delays the inevitable and keeps you pregnant with an unwanted foetus and sick and tired. Fingers crossed it doesn’t, but if it happens again find your nearest Marie stope clinic, you can usually just call and get an appointment pretty quickly, no GP to deal with etc.