
In most games it’s expected that everyone playing has more or less the same experience in the same places. This was maybe the only time in my life in a game (maybe other than my first time playing an MMO) that I was blown away by being somewhere that other people were. That forest of communication stations and all the

At least they work for, instead of against, the people. An ally of the people keeps an ear to government to hear which stories they should publish; an enemy of the people will publish any distracting story (like one about cartoon bears) to keep the public from hearing, for example, about the current administration’s

The article is mostly positive, noting what’s broken, but also noting that they are enjoying it. Should people not be aware of what they can and cannot expect from a game? If someone is wanting to lay down their money, should they not have some sense of what it is that they are getting, especially since it’s been over

Lol MMO. 24 max players is not an MMO. Don’t liken this akin to the unknown environment of mid 2000s MMO development, where nobody knew anything. What an intellectually dishonest comparison.

And many of US are tired of $60 games that ship fucking *broke*. You know what never got patched? Super Mario Bros. Either you’re an entitled teen/twentysomething gamer with NO sense of history or you're a Xennial/Xer who has forgotten your roots.

If they don’t get a huge sales bump this weekend (and I mean huge because they almost certainly projected one) Bethesda is gonna be in some trouble next year. Hell they’re dropping it’s price to $40 for Black Friday...two weeks after release it’s getting a massive drop. 

Its official forum and subreddits are battlegrounds between those who have found something to love in the buggy online survival game and those who think Bethesda has taken the series off a cliff.

I’m actually impressed that you didn’t mention the Bethesda published MMO ailing elephant in the room: ESO—which I think did a better job bridging the aforementioned gap.

I think part of the problem with transferring a series that has traditionally relied on an SP experience into an MP environment (and especially a massive MP environment) is that something invariably gets lost in translation.

Sometimes, that’s not a bad thing; Final Fantasy XIV succeeds, in my mind, because it combines

GOG is still accepting koala pelts, though.

Except never, once, anywhere, does any game ever say that the candies are ground-up pokemon. That was just a meme.

And, canonically, none of them ever die. That’s an important bit to remember; they may beat the shit out of each other, but they all get better afterwards.

Its like dog or cock fighting, but cuter!

Pokémon is definitely not a concept that benefits from thinking too hard about it. It’s basically capturing animals and forcing them to beat the shit out of each other.

The article started as if it were going to review or feature a game, but it ends with the line between advocacy and description completely removed. There is no more independent authorial voice, instead it takes the voice of the game. And that voice seemingly says that blowing each other in coffee shops is the natural

I was really excited, scrolled through, and... Trans means trans women I guess? Does the game feature trans men and their struggles at all? 

Someone also found a house apparently filled with references to The Final Pam. These include a radroach with a top hat and in its inventory, a wedding ring. A crib with a coffee can and cleaner in it. A dead... fuck, whatever Metal Husband is actually called.

Yeah, because a $60 retail game by a renowned AAA studio is totally comparable to Early Access games by small indie teams.

Much simpler explanation:

Can’t I just kick through the sheet-rock wall until I kick a big enough hole to get out?