
You first nigger.

Saying peoples views is a disease seems like a normal and healthy thing to say. I’m sure that mindset won’t lead to any problems of censoring free speech. /s

Why would you come here and post such a stupid comment when you have absolutely no knowledge of the subject at hand, and try to pass said stupid comment off as fact.

His penis. If you have a penis you’re a man. 

I’ve been on a flight with just myself and my parents. ATA L-1011 from New York to Manchester. Was pretty great, we wouldn’t have been able to pull it off but my mother at the time was a flight attendant and my father a senior pilot with the airline. So other than the flight deck crew they didn’t have to put anyone

You are so absolutely right, but brace for incoming “It’s not racist if we’re attacking white people” 

So don’t be an idiot and publish all your info online. If you’re smart you’d go and try to doxx yourself, correct any mistakes you find.

Telling someone to get a life because they have a different opinion about something in a video game. You’re one to talk.

Nah tech isn’t good enough for likes or clicks or whatever, so they got into the business of fake outrage and moral highgrounds. Best way to counter it is to not give them the clicks. Lot of actually good tech sites now.

Nah tech isn’t good enough for likes or clicks or whatever, so they got into the business of fake outrage and moral highgrounds. Best way to counter it is to not give them the clicks. Lot of actually good tech sites now.

Remember when phone manufacturers were innovative and not afraid to push the boundaries of the tech? Good times.

Saying someone should kill themselves because you don’t like their views. 

By just not doing it? I’d assume you talk to your wife in person, and have her mobile number, so communication with her isn’t a reason to stay on FB. Same for close friends I’d hope, and for everyone else, do you really need to see their shitty pictures/memes/opinions?

Watch out, screeching masses are gonna be saying you’re wrong any second.

I guess if you’re out doing shit and have a few minutes to kill it wouldn’t be bad, but it eats phone battery

You know there’s this thing called an adblocker right?

I was in the same boat as you, Elite player, wanted a solid VR experience. Finally jumped on a Windows MR unit, the Dell Visor (https://xinreality.com/wiki/Dell_Visor) and it’s a super solid setup. 1440x1440 per eye, the inside out tracking is really nice as I live in a small apartment and don’t have space to set up

6 years later I’m right there with you now. The SJW bullshit has reached critical mass. Everything is an attack on someone and everything is something to be offended about.

Shhh, maybe this is a new plan. Actually report on science and tech news without frothing at the mouth over stupid shit.

The new word for what we used to just call men. Straight men.