
To answer all the “why not” questions. I rarely get sick, I am a healthy middle-aged individual. I don’t see a need to get the flu shot that might or might not work anyway. Last year’s shot was a debacle, the company blatantly said that they got it wrong.

Thanks for the advice.

Uses a Simpsons scene to call me a nerd when I reference Futurama Lmao

No, I’m just curious. There is no publication deadline like there would be with say a magazine or newspaper....if this post came out 30 minutes later it wouldn’t matter...so just curious what time lines Kotaku imposes on companies to ‘get back to them’.... Basically they could just say:

19 seconds

This always interests me...you reached out on a Saturday and gave them how long?

Blade Runner didn’t have “sky lanes”, so that top image doesn’t scream Blade Runner to me, it screams...

More Back to the Future Part II than Blade Runner, but that’s fine, too.

Time to load this one back up. The weekend disappears like tears in the rain...

I don’t see any good news here. They got robbed, didn’t get any support from Valve and were forced to put their game for free. Now, somehow they need to convince people to pay for it, when they didn’t had a microtransaction process planned in the first place.

I had a chance +-14 years ago to grab a bunch of Banksy stuff that was painted on metal panels and left in a field next to where I worked at the time after a rock video shoot that was supposedly for friends of his in a band.

Those panels were out there, strapped to a fence for months and months while I mused about the

Eww. - Some random person , Berlin, Germany, 23/8/2013 23:48

My cookout potato salad does basically the same thing, but the shredder is the colon, and does it get me fame and adulation? No! It only gets me forwarded ambulance and ER bills from friends and relatives.

“is that he can never actually win”

“cloak itself in human skin”

Also lol: “Logic and facts in an argument do nothing to change their mind and only cause them to just repeat themselves ad infinitum.”

“The Left is just a meme of lunacy come to life.”

This is a racist statement and I’m flagging it as such

“Limit your gaming time like a responsible adult”

How does Banksy get paid? If he never reveals his name, how does he cash checks, maintain accounts and such? Even a corporation requires a real person's actual signature at several points.