
Maybe just don’t be such a fag?

Such an insightful comment! You really debated that guys points so well. 

If I don’t have kids, then how would I have to deal with kids? I fucking hate kids, never want anything to do with them, or anyone who has them.

Kill yourself

Maybe don’t be so upset over a comment on a shitty article?

Fuck off with your multiculturalism bullshit. Just wait till the refugees come flooding into Ireland like they have here in the UK and see how cool you are with muh diversity.

Obviously everything is oppressing women. Company led by women not allowed show their product? Sexist. /s

Except being trans is a mental illness. 

Wow, look at this sexism right here. 

I hate it when a company isn’t disrespectful towards women and minorities

You absolutely can use them in singleplayer with the right mods

Yes of course, because wanting to fuck cartoon horses is completely normal. Lets not call out the weird fucks for being weird fucks.

>awful, despotic country
Pick one 

You must be fun at parties.

You saying all men have sexually assaulted someone? How fucking retarded are you?

Landing’s more often than not, entirely automated. Take off wouldn’t be hard to do either.

the trails moving from left to right? probably a satellite.

please be sarcasm

I was really excited by the idea of this, until I got the to bit about it being Verizon only. Hopefully someday either Palm or a competitor will bring a device like this out for GSM. I’m sure the EU and especially Asian markets would love something like this