
Man, buy it anyway. The devs are constantly working on it, they have an experimental branch with all the latest stuff in it, frequently update their trello boards with current WIP stuff, and the sheer amount of places to see and explore and get eaten are just incredible. Like, you think you’ve seen it all and then

No arguments there. Logged way too many hours on it when I was waiting for my new system

Man I know that feeling, got a new laptop for the first time in 4 years recently. Seemed like everywhere I looked was nothing but graphically or technically amazing games. Didn’t help that my main system at the time struggled to play shit like FTL.

Don’t be discouraged, I saw shit like this back in the mid 2000s when I was getting started with 3D modeling and just wanted to quit when I saw how amazing renders and even some real time demos looked. But I didn’t quit, I tried my hardest and set my sights on slowly improving, and with time I did get better.

Oh shit, someone said fuck in a song. Get to the bunkers the world is ending.

Fuck, let’s just have a little lunch buying circle for the Subnautica devs and the Kotaku comments section. I’ll buy all you fuckers a beer if you end up in Dublin.

Oh dear lord. This reminds me of a exec 727 my parents worked on back in the 90s. Guy that owned it was a wealthy Syrian fuck who decked out everything he could in gold. The taps in the bathroom and galley, the light fixtures in his bedroom, the cutlery, just, fucking everything. Most gaudy shit I’ve ever seen.

Been around aircraft my whole life, mainly smaller stuff like 707, 727, 737, 757, etc. Always knew just how big they were, but I remember one time exploring around a C-5 Galaxy parked up in Rota, Spain. That fucker was enormous. Honestly looking at it a large part of me was saying “This shouldn’t be able to fly”.

Definitely do! Also the forums can be very helpful for new players, same with the sub reddit, and if you fancy a more live approach, the chat room at Radio Sidewinder (in-universe fictional radio station, found at http://radiosidewinder.com) is very helpful and accommodating for even the newest of players. The music

They do! Community goals encourage players to carry out certain goals at one system. The most recent one in Okinura was two pronged, catering to both the combat pilots and traders. The goal was to clear the system of NPC pirates and bandits and such, and then deliver as much Polymers as possible from surrounding

I’d say their ability to do it with rough/old tech is even more impressive. The fact that they’ve had 724 successful launches with their Soyuz launch vehicle, and that the Soyuz spacecraft is almost unchanged, but for a few modernization updates since the late 60s, seems hugely impressive to me.

What’s wrong with China’s space program? 214 (out of 224) successful launches of the Long March rocket series since their program began in 1970. First country to land back on the Moon since the Soviets left in ‘76. Successful space station launched in 2011 and used until 2013. Just because they don’t cooperate with

Wasn’t a lecture. I was just publishing information people might not be aware of. No need to be such a prick.

Opening a 2 inch diameter hole in the cockpit, and then snugly inserting a sextant into said hole is nowhere even close to the same as having a large hole torn in the side of your aircraft. Though I’m sure the flight crew knew better than to try and stick any body parts through the hole. The amount of air loss is

Someone else who openly admits to liking STO? Holy fuck there’s two of us!

Creation Engine. Great shit, easily allows placing of shit inside the game world, or interior cells. The devs have been using it since Morrowind.

Meanwhile over here in Ireland, you’re looking at €65 black friday price, with a normal price of €70. Yay fair pricing across different regions.

Meanwhile over here in Ireland, you’re looking at €65 black friday price, with a normal price of €70. Yay fair

Also if you’re near major cities, they’ll often times hold get togethers for local guides in the area, so you can meet others and share info over dinner or snacks.