I’m amazed how far Arin got, considering everything.
I’m amazed how far Arin got, considering everything.
So, we going to assume it’s either not using the Creation Engine, or a totally new, revamped in every way version of it?
Well that was the most un-sexy orgy I think I’ve ever seen.
God, who shit in your cornflakes this morning? I’ve never felt compelled to say “Ohhh yeah, lick dat minge, I’m gonna swing on her tits” during sex. But then again perhaps you’re the normal one here and everyone else is sexually oppressed or some shit?
Child pornography =/= leaking a screenshot of a game. At least not in my world. Even so, lets say you were downloading CP because why not? You’d be investigated by agencies, they’d go to your ISP with a warrant for information on your traffic, they’d follow normal procedures to scan through the data, they’d confirm…
DRM free PC games, and piracy, would tend to disagree.
But NDA’s are normally pursued from a legal standpoint, litigation being most common. Having your hardware, which you use for many things other than beta testing the new content on, is not how NDA’s are ever, ever handled. Like, that’s an extreme thing to do no matter the situation.
Leak or no, the people still paid money for that hardware. They own that hardware. Yes, they leaked data they shouldn’t have, and there should be repercussions, but does it not seem a little bit wrong to you that Microsoft has the power to brick their consoles at will?
How would it be if you were testing some new PC…
Just Googled cane spider. Whyyy? Why is that a thing? How did you not burn your fucking house down?
From what I gather, aren’t Amiibo just plastic figures with NFC chips stuck in the base? So couldn’t you just rip the data from the NFC chip and load it onto a blank one? Thereby replicating the data? And then just upload this data online so anyone with an NFC writer can use them?
Other than normal Jalopnik readers, and car enthusiasts in general. Probably a very low percentage of the population. I know people that love tinkering with things, and are all for DIY, and they still end up taking their car to a garage for servicing because they feel it’s over their head
Though there’s no such thing as becoming “addicted” to pot.
If it’s his own game store then he’s not obligated to do shit. If he chooses that he doesn’t like to deal with stoners, then that’s his choice. Perhaps you need to not criticize someone for the choice they make.
Weed causes health problems, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Why not? He didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t smuggle drugs or people, he didn’t steal millions in currency. He ran a website. A website that didn’t actually host any copyrighted materials. I mean, the biggest fuck up he made was fleeing the country during bail and being picked up by Interpol.
Perhaps in the US such a thing isn’t allowed, but in Norway and Sweden this isn’t a problem. Their view on the prison system is reform rather than punishment. Which, whilst it may be different from the viewpoint of your country, isn’t any less valid, or reason to call the man retarded.
*Citation needed.
Is anyone else reminded of the Melling Hellcat? ‘Cause I know I am. The whole “fastest street legal car in the world” and the “6.0 litre quad-turbo V10 Engine producing 1,217 hp” or perhaps the ridiculous claim that it’d get up to 295mph despite looking like some weirdass muscle car?
I remember when I spoke to Al…
State your sources. If you're going to make a bold statement like that, surely you have the data to back it up?
Yeah, I can see their value as a simple machine for less tech savvy people, but I'm always looking for cheap laptops just to have around.
As for the "super-security" machine, probably wouldn't be of much use unless the system has some form of boot password, then fully encrypt the hard drive with truecrypt, and then…
Yeah, I can see their value as a simple machine for less tech savvy people, but I'm always looking for cheap laptops…