
The thing is, F2P mobile games don’t really operate in the same way as “regular” games do. Because even if 99% of the players don’t pay a cent for the game, all they really need is one or two “whales” who obsessively spend thousands of dollars on microtransactions and gacha mechanics for the game to be a financial

I think the conversation here’s supposed to be about what it means to call a show “horny”... If I’m not mistaken, Zaphod up there probably meant that Naota displays a lot of the teenage awkwardness and realization of lust (or I guess more accurately, just a curiosity towards the opposite gender), but the show itself

While some games have had a tendency to sell better on Nintendo’s handheld than other platforms, likely due in part to less competition from the smaller overall game library,

kweli means “truth” in Swahili

I was disappointed that the only real-world analogue given in an article that warns of the dangers of moral absolutism were religious groups. They are certainly an example, and an important one, but to be brutally honest, I see more fanatical ideological devotees in the comments section of Gizmodo websites than I do

This is total bullshit. Apu is regularly shown as one of the few intelligent, competent, good-hearted people in a cast of dozens of insensitive morons. He helped Lisa understand that it was okay to be a vegetarian. He was a Pin Pal. HE WAS IN THE BE SHARPS, GODDAMMIT!

Man, I just don’t get this thing. Who wants to touch a stranger’s hair? Gross and weird.

Nobody is your friend in Fortnite. Not even your teammates. Grab that nice purple auto rifle your teammate thought should be theirs, take 6 shots to the back and watch them grab your stuff and run off, happy as a clam.

OMG peached got kidnapped again we better get the pitchforks out and hang nintendo for using a damsel in distress trope.

Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.

Ill survive... Its your virtue signaling that ain’t a good look

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”

How mature and brave of you. Does your arm get tired from patting yourself on the back for such heroism? I deplore the president but his saying “give him a chance” is not an admission of support. By no means deplorable enough to never listen to a historically great comic again.

Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.

“Sending a white girl from a middle-class family to college is not fighting racism. In fact, expecting to avoid work, student loans, etc. and be treated like a hero for dating a black guy seems pretty racist to me.”

I think the ratio is much closer than that, I believe sane people outnumber irrationals. It’s just that the internet provides them a place with like-minded compatriots so they can echo-chamber their communal thoughts.

Here on a game blog, I thought this was just going to be an article about an awesome final boss that became a huge meme and a very underrated action game.

Instead it’s a bunch of political bullshit personal hot take pushing a personal belief and agenda that has zero point being on gaming blog site. This type of garbage