
You see a group of goblins at the other side of the room. They’re dressed in rags and have improvised weapons, and they all have a bag of something over their shoulders. On in the back however is dressed in a tux. He looks at you and says “Hey, friend! I’ve got what you need!”

Ok one thing I found particular grating.. “Ess Que Ell or Java?” That’s not how SQL is pronounced......

Or you could just cast her as a stripper in an Aerosmith music video...

I don’t consider $128 a huge amount of money... but its exactly $128 too large of a fine for this “infraction.”

I also don’t get how someone with two Hummer H2s parked in his driveway (perhaps the most worthless vehicle of our time) could possibly think my old Jeeps are junk.

Chris Metzen.

And this is what happens when you have an exclusive NFL license.. You want a quality game, get some competition in the mix.

Don’t like the design? Problem solved:

Don’t like the design? Problem solved:

Based solely on the header image, my first thought was “as what, an Orion?”

The question really isn’t why doesn’t Superman age. He’s a space alien, everyone knows they don’t age like humans. The question is why hasn’t Louis Lane, or Jimmy Olsen, or even Perry White aged since Superman came to Earth. What kind of strange radiation is he giving off that is suppressing their aging processes? If

I tend to have dreams about taking a shower.... because I know i really should get up and take a shower instead of hitting snooze again....

Actually, its Sub-Zero, not Zero. So Cyrax (1) + Sektor (1) + Smoke (1) + Sub-Zero (-1) = 2. They need to add another variation to get it back up to 3.

This game looks like it could have been great... if it had been a real Rainbow 6 game instead of a CoD knockoff......

The prequals? You mean Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2? I highly recommend them!