So if you’re black:
So if you’re black:
Were you there ? Cuz here is feedback from someone who was and there were a lot more like this
I’m happy that murdering bastard is finally off the twenty. The man’s nickname is Indian Killer and he was the one that sponsored and signed the Indian Removal Act. Glad it's Tubman replacing him.
“But what we wanted is a word that [all ages] would hear and not have to fear it meant we’d be preachy or earnest with our fists in the air.”
It takes a village.
“Everybody wants to be a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga.”
“Repeatedly” ☹️
I wonder how Nicki will react to this. She could get him the best lawyers money can buy increasing the chance he won’t be convicted. But if she does that, it could seriously damage her career.
Excuse me, what now?
I would be willing to bet good money that at least 95% of the people who voted for that law have never actually been in a NICU or seen a baby with anencephaly poked and prodded for days before being taken off a respirator and finally be given peace.
the idea that you would even suggest to a mother carrying a terminal baby that she should carry it to term, deliver, and take lessons on drugging it up until it finally dies is just...i’m speechless.
When you take out your loaded gun with the fucking safety off and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.
I like knowing who the Piece of Shit of the Day award goes to before 9am; thanks Jez!
This does sound like a very good interview. It’s a strange state of affairs when morning DJ’s and comedians are the ones best at questioning politicians rather than actual news media
Here’s one example from New Mexico:
I just can’t wrap my head around anyone wanting to have sex with Justin Bieber. Even just to hook up. He looks like the kind of guy who would climb on top. Thrust vigorously for 1 or 2 minutes and then be like ‘ok I’m done’ and proceed to pickup his video game console.
You guys are really quick to shut down the dialogue of women of color.
As an atheist who is very much against all the laws that exist based on religious belief...I feel like the Church of Satan does satirical protest right, and these guys are just annoying (and not a little misogynist.... “heaven has a stripper factory”? ughhhhhh)