
oh god this information hurts but thank you

Can we get an entertaining movie with a mostly-black cast that aren’t playing slaves, or worse, directed by Tyler Perry? Pleeeease?

So right on. I feel like on some level when black and brown people are lumped in with these imaginary green/purple/orange/blue people, they’re implying that black and brown people also dont exist.

Yup. Anytime people include colors that people are not, you can dismiss anything they say after that as lies. And they're more than likely a secret racist.

People who claim that Black people love them, are always confused about the concepts of love and Black people.

Ah, she’s one of those “green and purple and polkadot” people feigning colorblindness while in the same breath advising black women to remain invisible for their own good. Cool, cool.

Yesterday i caught a small snippet of Liz Dozier talking about education in Chicago Schools and talking about communities of color. This goes to your last part about confidence and doing whatever we want. She said that when we talk about our communities we use words like defect. She said, “We are not defective”. Just

i’d be surprised if she actually apologized. Being a a bigot is big money and she will have plenty of support from plenty of people who put popularity and monetary gain over their own self worth. Problem is that her entertainment value is formed by all of us. and our desire to be entertained has now gifted her with

That’s some bad advice.

A few years ago I was starting a company and I got some advice that I should get a staunchy looking old white guy to partner with me to ‘look the part.’ So I commenced with interviewing those well-qualified to fill that roll, I didn’t specifically ask for old white guys but when you say you’re hiring a CEO for a

What is that? Why do they do that? Do they think it makes them seem less ignorant? Like girl, my momma ain't Barney bitch.

You guys, I can’t deal with the coming loss.

I love his obvious joy at spending time with all children. I love his genuine charming enthusiasm for everything. You can see the dorky smart eleven-year-old he must have been inside, still thinking”I can’t believe I get to do this for part of my job!”

It’s so beautiful...

Plz don’t leave us plz don’t leave us plz don’t leave us.

But is it more offensive to assume transgender people lack any sense of humor about their lives at all?

How do I get the POTUS to DM me some episode deets? I need to know who to play in my GoT fantasy league- I came in second last year and I refuse to lose again. Freaking Reek finally does something worth points in the last episode and I didn’t play him like a stupid asshole.

How much longer until someone offers this guy a huge advance for a tell-all book about his time living with Ted Cruz?