
Someone needs to show this video to all those idiots who say if we all just race mixed racism would end. Also can I just say, how byoooooootiful is that woman, she kind of looks like me but if I was a tall beautiful statuesque super dancer. Excuse me whilst I go make pinterest albums of her face.

All Black people in this country who are the descendants of American slaves have mixed racial ancestry. Not all of us are Biracial and most of us wouldn’t describe ourselves as that no matter how we look. My dad is fair skinned with blue eyes. Both of his parents are Black. He is Black. My best friend’s mom is Black

Isn’t the whole point that we aren’t supposed to be designating them though?

I was too black for the white kids, too white for the black kids. Judgement on all sides. It’s rough growing up like that. Be strong in who you are, no one can take your history from you.

I love this so much. I’m a biracial woman who identifies as black, but felt like I wasn’t “black enough” growing up, even though I was raised by my mother (who is black), and spent more time with her side of the family. I tended to be the only black person in a lot of spaces, at school and ballet class and things, and

My husband is black. He also has light brown skin and blue eyes. His parents are black. His grandparents are black. His great grandparents are black and his great-grandparents are black (he can trace his lineage back pretty far on both sides, even beyond his great-grandparents). People will say, “what are you?” He’ll

You did good. I could feel you saying, “I can’t believe I have to write about this in 2016.” in every word.

What that means is no black person is counting the white person who violated their ancestor as a factor in identifying them self as Biracial. Does that make sense? There are many black people who don’t know that person actually existed... My father was one of those. I got to call him and say GUESS WHAT YOU’RE PART

All while arranging Panera Bread baked goods one passes off as their own in their formica kitchen. Can these ladies please can it with the putting on airs and pretending to be posh?

She means that while Robyn has white ancestry in her bloodline, her parents and grandparents are not white, so she’s not biracial (Robyn says she doesn’t have any “direct white ancestry.”) Usually biracial offspring come from two parents with two physically distinct identities (black and white; black and asian, etc.)

Personally I’d define it as one parent of one race and one of another race leaving out grandparents and great grandparents because hell many of us would be considered biracial given the history of slavery as she pointend out. And black because she identifies and is perceived as such.

I’m a Biracial Black woman. Who has effectively traced her ancestry to discover several hundred additional white folks in the part of my tree that was supposed to be non white. Got a DNA test done... I’m related to far more American white colonists than I should be since my other side was early 20th century immigrants

I imagine, (though I may be wrong), that it was exhausting to write this piece. I hope that someday it is considered as impolite as asking someones’ age or income, to presume you know, and further, can *tell* them what their racial identity is.

One thing they all have in common? Hand Position:

‘Dickery’ is a bit of an understatement for someone who raped over 50 women.

I don’t see what the big deal is. We all still fondly remember and celebrate the acting career of John Wilkes Booth.

No shit! How come all the other countries get cooler holiday traditions than we do?

Go, Mexican Easter celebrators! Go, you tellers of truth and makers of effigies! Can you do Dick Cheney next?

This tradition makes eating Peeps and hunting for colored eggs look pretty weak by comparison.

Right! And the parents said that they don’t do anything at all to it which, girl I guess....