
That's not necessarily true. I'm pretty sure I have some heavyweight vinyl that has over 30 minutes on one side. The weight of the vinyl doesn't introduce anymore restrictions into the length of a side, that has more to do with the width of the groove, which is a decision made in the pressing of the vinyl.

If you really wanted to start a conversation, then perhaps you should rephrase your question so that it isn't so antagonistic and dismissive. Might I suggest, "I don't understand the appeal of vinyl, could someone explain it to me?" Or "Do people that buy vinyl do it because they think it sounds better, or is it more


Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't actually mean you should Google it, or search through AV Club's archives or anything. I was just trying to say that that's a stupid question that comes up every goddamn time someone brings up vinyl.

Blade Runner 20XX

Perhaps you can refer to the five million times this question has come up whenever the AV Club writes about something coming out on vinyl, sales of vinyl records going up/down, record stores, etc. You may also be interested in referring to similar articles on cassette tapes where an even larger portion of people get

Well, I suppose you could spin the "I like war heroes who don't get captured" to be a poor choice of words. What he meant to say was, "I don't like John McCain."

It's actually pretty great that he can afford it. Of course, it still sucks that he has depression.

He's also not waving, but drowning.

Oh I get it! You're talking about penises.

I don't know enough about it to make a particularly coherent argument, as my perspective is mainly based on why Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart are taught together in school, but it does seem like we often tend to enter a region and attempt to impose a cultural and political philosophy that doesn't quite fit

That's probably more accurate, if only because apologizes seem to be the end point for a lot of people.

It's probably a case for why the West shouldn't've been there in the first place, not that that does much to fix the situation. Hey guys, how's it going, okay? Well, our culture's better, so we're going to sit on your faces for about 50 years. Oh, you don't like that? Well we're going to leave then, have fun sorting

That's okay, it doesn't really look like he wanted to do that.

Well, an apology is usually a nice place to start because it acknowledges a transgression. This statement is hardly even a reflection, though, he essentially blames women for not fitting into the culture.

I upvoted this, but I didn't like doing it.

Yep. Regime changes suck.

The extras are crazy; in the DVD edition, there was two full discs of extras plus a fat booklet. Criterion knocked it out of the park giving a historical and social context for the film along with discussing it in the then current climate of 2004, including an interview with Richard Clarke and Michael Sheehan,

Hmm, I wonder if the plan is Season 1: 1-4; Season 2: 5-8; Season 3: 9-11; Season 4: 12-13. They probably haven't thought that far ahead. I can't imagine trying to plan this series out without it delving into repetition. Surely they'll have to start peppering VFD in there earlier like the movie did, to hint at an over

It sort of turns into a psuedo-Pynchon primer with unexplained underground organizations, and vast conspiracies, along with existential ennui. But it's pretty tedious and difficult to recommend. The last few get wildly better as the books become slightly more experimental, but you kind of have to read the whole thing…