
That would explain a lot.

Trump would be the type of monster who would misspell Blu-ray.

Just vote for Hillary, ferfuckssake.

Well shucks, guys, I just showed up here and y'all elected me. Golly gee, I've no idear what I'm doin'!

Personally, I'm really more of an Oregon Trail Generation, consequently I hate everyone and no one understands me.

Everyone's going on about Eric Trump saying his dad came from 'basically nothing', but the bigger take away for me is that he thinks Millennials can relate to his dad because he built an amazing 'empire'. What fucking Millennials can relate to that? Oh, he's like a Zuckerberg! A) No he's not, and B) I can't fucking

Seriously, though, he only talked about his penis once!

If I recall my pop etymology correctly, that's kind of a bizarre insult too, because it originates from a misunderstanding of Bugs Bunny cartoons. Nimrod, in the Bible is a renowned hunter, so, at some point when Bugs Bunny calls Elmer Fudd 'Nimrod' he's being ironic. But a lot of people didn't realize that, so they

Operating the oven was never the issue for me… Falling asleep and washing up in the morning to a solid carbon disc? That was a problem.

Today, I sent something about Palmer Luckey funding 'Nimble America,' a group of 'shitposters' backing Trump (v. http://www.theverge.com/201…, but I got an out of office reply. So I'm guessing maybe no one gives a shit and the show's just running itself?

I think, maybe, the problem is actually that the book sucks and James Patterson just doesn't want to admit it.

—Finn Wolfhard.

Bumblebee is going to have a totally different outlook in this one.

I wholeheartedly agree, but there I did enjoy the kicker here of, "Those were the only musical artists that I could think of that died of AIDS," followed by an awkward silence wherein Shkreli maybe seemed like he wanted to laugh, but maybe thought that might be a bad idea.

But that was Bush, not Obama. Obama 'founded' Isis by pulling out of Iraq.

You don't think Trump's myopic trade policies would have a negative effect on the rest of the world? And Trump's whole military perspective is predicated on Obama and Clinton being 'weak' in their current position. They only reason you can say Clinton is more hawkish than Trump is that she has set a precedent in her

I'm honestly more worried about him because his dad died, and he has to constantly hear horrible covers of "Heroes" because of it.

If you were James Joyce you would probably love that shit.

Mac and Cheese, Hotdogs and baked beans are my, oh shit my wife isn't coming home and I have an hour and a half before she goes to bed…. uh… sure meal.