
With Kelly MacDonald? I'll take it!

You could read it as the DNC being a pragmatic organization. If Sanders were to get to the general election he would be mercilessly attacked on the basis of his religious beliefs. That he wasn't speaks more to the reality that no one from either side took him very seriously.

"…continuously respawning…" alright, you lost me.

That's not what I read. The analysis that I've seen leans on the outing of him, or at least implication of him, as an athiest. The Marshall chain says he's been 'skating on his Jewish heritage,' implying that he is a nonbeliever but has been using his heritage to somewhat align himself with the Jewish religion. He

Actually, I think the sadder thing is that it would work.

I was pretty impressed how unabashedly angry and partisan Colbert was. I had earlier read that he had been somewhat soft on Jeb and Trump when he started because he wanted to make sure that those types of guests would come on in the future. Apparently the gloves are somewhat off, at least for the RNC.

That's for sure, but it's kind of amazing that he just lays it out so nakedly. And now you're thinking of Naked Newt Gingrich.

Also, I'm sorry, but let's not pretend like this is some astonishing breach in protocol. The DNC wants to pick a candidate that can win in the general election, and Bernie can't. He just can't. Not in this environment. Of course the DNC would rig things against Sanders, they don't want to nominate him!

Absolutely, and I think it was a necessary counterpoint to the criticism that Joyce's role mostly amounts to the harried mother. In a way, it seems like she's channeling her protectiveness towards Will through El, knowing that El is her lifeline to Will, but I also think that that's just the way she is.

Spoiler alert. This monster is not wearing a suit.

Oh my god, can you please actually listen to that audio? She is not laughing about her client raping a child, she is laughing because this scumbag passed a polygraph test, so clearly polygraph tests are bullshit. I don't understand what is so reprehensible about that.

People can call Clinton a liar and a crook all they want, but when your best alternative is Donald Fucking Trump, I'm not really sure what their point is.

The lines that perfectly sum up depression for me happen in 'Let's find out'

It's amazing how the lyrics shift from brain-damaged F. Scott Fitzgerald to William S Burroughs.

Even better, a thumbs up.

Well, for one thing, it's vandalism.

Because I'm a sadist, I went on You Tube to play the song after reading this discussion and found a lyric video. Adorably, the original video says "Doing Crystal Myth will lift you up until you break" with an annotation box covering up Myth with Meth.

True, but by banning certain viewpoints, they would also be exercising their freedom of speech. Consequently, they would also have to face the consequences. If they ban enough free speech, they get the reputation of being a bully with a large audience, who moves to a different platform. So, theoretically, capitalism

"This is the end for [my] Twitter [account]"

Gauging public opinion by looking at Twitter is like gauging public opinion by talking to people on a bar crawl.