All fluids recently topped up.
All fluids recently topped up.
You could call it cash for dunkers.
Didn’t have time to read the whole article, but my input thus far is flat rate is a cancer in my industry. It encourages spite and cut-throat competition amongst the techs and writers to the point where a “green” tech won’t ask questions if they aren’t sure of something because they don’t wanna be taking food off of…
After reading through a number of comments, some absurd and others insightful, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s little that this trailer’s front rack can’t do. So many possibilities!
Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.
All I see is an M Coupe, where’s this Prangler thingy?
Knowing that car, I probably would’ve ended up with a rock in the face as it rebounded off theft-proofed glass that I didn’t realise it had..
My ‘89 Passat B3 wagon was a real charmer, unfortunately it had a lot of character, both from age and from my bodged fixes. One involves a handy hotel janitor and a feather duster.
Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.
I was once on the 405 outside San Diego, nice sunny day, light traffic. Top down, cruise control set to 105.
I worked with a guy who was a terrific speller - of homonyms. If someone read a report he wrote all was good. If one was forced to read it it was like being dragged down a cobblestone street in a burlap sack with your head sticking out. You could see the bumps coming but you couldn’t do anything to stop the pain.
Abandonment is different from lack of security. Leaving a stack of $100 bills on the sidewalk is different than leaving the same stack on your kitchen table by an open window.
Someone tell the NC Highway Patrol to stop using Smokey and the Bandit movies for their officer training classes.
Scrap Metal Cushions Pipe’s Fall From Crashing Cargo Truck
On the Mazda RX8 this is a feature.
More recently than you, apparently
Getting close to the ground, its just one of those things you have to do.....when you land-Experienced Pilot
skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings