
But what are your feelings on The Blue Jean Committee?

Name a single bad Vin Diesel movie!

You can get burnt out if you go in on your days off, but just watching something before or after work makes it simply an extended break.

Okay, I bought X/X-2, IX, and Vi. I remain undecided about XIII.

I actually took my dad to see Dunkirk (for free) last night. And I went to see National Theater Live's Angels in America (both parts) for free when they were cinecasting it.

Hmmm… Does Snow get annoyed that he has that one forelock constantly in his eyes?

The Terminator
The Silence of the Lambs

Does it have a single player mode with strong narrative?

Hey @avclub-669e3876ba6dab37e11e5237f2c8017e:disqus ! Humblebundle is having a weekend sale of Final Fantasy games. Should I get any of them?

Yeah, I don't play Overwatch. It is an MMO thing, and that is not a type of game I have much interest in. I tried playing WoW but I got bored quickly. I think you need actual people you enjoy talking to in order to get into those kinds of games.

1. No specifications on volume. We generally have our volume set at 4.3 and increase or decrease it due to customer complaints. A new movie has 20 minutes of trailers, one that has been out has 15 minutes.

In fact, here are the movies I have seen for free since I started working here:

Not particularly. I watch way, way more movies now, because if I work the first shift, I just watch a movie after work.

Generally an adjective goes before the name.

No. I know for a fact they don't. If anything they necessitate more employees since they have to be constantly watched, and times when we normally wouldn't have someone working the podium we have to put someone on it because of the ticket kiosks.

Shirtless guy and cowboy guy.

We actually don't even get to pick which movies we show. Our corporate office sends us an email telling us what movies we booked and what trailers to show before them. We only really get a say in when we cut a movie (and even then we have to get approval).

Not a rip off of Thanos.

No. While the bulk of our money comes from concessions, the ones who don't buy concessions don't make a mess of our theaters. The real nuisance are people sneak food into the theater and then also make a mess. A few days ago someone snuck in a large pop from McDonald's and then spilled all of it and I had to mop the

I hate ticket kiosks. They are basically perfectly designed to scam. Literally two nights ago a teenage couple attempted to buy senior admission tickets to an R rated movie at the kiosk. We have to watch them like a hawk.