
It's hard to keep up with how quickly their shows get canceled.

Well, I beat Resident Evil 5, and am now onto Resident Evil Revelations 2.

I can't even figure out what she was trying to say.

Boo! I guess the Quarians just died?

All I want in life is a new season of CXG.

Is this that same troll?

I can tell you for a fact the troll did not know about the late lamented Happy Endings. But yeah, he or she was posting that stuff about everyone on that other site.

I can't believe that troll followed me from a completely different site.

Trump, being Trump, took the implicit collusion between Fox News and the Republican Party and made it explicit.

I think the show improved dramatically since it became Rick and Morty and Summer. Summer combines a lot of the worst qualities of both Rick and Morty in a really fun way.

Real talk: is Summer Rick and Morty's best character?

Okay, but not because you told me to.

I actually do. And they are pretty good.

So internal email time?

If you stop to consider the Emoji Movie… We commit genocide every time we change phones.

WooHoo. I beat Resident Evil Revelations! I even got the Sexy Sailor Chris and Pirate Jill outfits! Now on to Resident Evil 5.

I've said it before, and I will probably say it again: Valerian should have been a silent movie.

Sooo… I am completely at a loss to explain why someone would wear this outfit in a bio-hazard outbreak.

I think I have too much love for Capcom left over from Sega Genesis days. I'm not sure Konami is even trying to be a video game company at this point, it is more a form of deeply confusing performance art.

Meanwhile in other video gamery….