
Everybody betray me! I fed up with this world!

I'm hopeful that The Walking Dead will end on a high note. Though I am still shipping Javi/Jesus.

Our current coming attractions:

I've watched the Disaster Artist trailer 3 times. I am not sold on either Franco in their role, but I want to see this movie more than I have wanted to see any comic book or sci-fi movie of the last five years.

Sounds good.

I have never known joy before.

Yeah, I decided to play Phantasmagoria because some website or another said it was the first video game with an openly gay character and a not heterosexual player character. Which I feel is stretching the description of the material a little. But I didn't even really attempt to play it, I quickly got bored with the

I played Phantasmagoria: a Puzzle of Flesh which is a video game so completely '90s it might as well be in the Mortal Kombat franchise. It is a point amd click adventure game using filmed live actors. And my god, the '90s hair, the '90s clothes, and the '90s sex… There is a lot of sex in the game. There is a subplot

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the TV show we both need and deserve.

I do not know what an Ed Sheeran is, amd I refuse to respond to it.

Hey oh! I saw The Big Sick. It was good.

I assume the entire Supporting Actress in a Comedy award is entirely designed to give Kate McKinnen an Emmy. That is a uniquely weak field.

The reason people liked her was entirely how she looked. If you altered her hair, glasses, or weight, no one would have cared about the character.

Exactly Final Fantasy is missing the most crucial element of Dragon Age!

But who did you romance?

And took down the War poster in our coming attractions lobby poster cases and put up The Dark Tower.

Just put up the War for the Planet if the Apes poster.

When I first looked at it, I didn't see the "F" in the subtitle so I read it as "Alien Kingdom" which seemed and interesting direction to take the franchise.

Apparently the dinosaurs are on fire.