
I saw The House.

Apparently every historical figure now gets a series where they are sexy and young and having lots of sex. It couldn't possibly be worse than that one about Leonardo DiVinci, could it?

"I MUST DESTROY THESE DELICIOUS TACOS!" - Me as a super villain.

I thoroughly enjoyed Baby Driver. Ansel Elgort was great when he wasn't speaking, mumbly and with accent issues when he was.

How is this a thing that exists?

I'd totes watch an all zombie version of Top Gun.a

There is a truly insane amount of Resident Evil themed gay pornography on the internet. #FunFacts

Resident Evil, Or Look At How Hot Our Guys Are:The Video Game.

All I want to know is when will Resident Evil release Bioware style romance options in their games!

This is a song about friendship!

Which sort of defeats the point of a trailer, doesn't it?

There's a scene, I think at the dinner table, where Blackbolt is in the foreground and she is in the background. I don't think I have ever seen a more obvious looking wig.

I feel like they could not possibly have made Medusa look more cheap.

I remember how everyone wanted to see dinosaurs, and the dinosaurs almost never appeared on screen.

That looks like the production budget for an episode of The Odd Couple.

Fuckin' Disney and its pettiness.

I'd play.

Women gotta stick together all across this land, except Denise Martinez. That bitch I cannot stand.

You should watch Days of Future Past.

Our internal emails are really banking on Despicable Me 3 and Spider-Man: Homecoming to improve over last year. But they are pretty down on this quarter overall.