

I have not. I actually bought it off Steam and its sequel, but I did not understand the fight dynamics so I never really played far into it.

Well this will be a ranking unlike any that exists elsewhere.

Your face is an excellent movie!

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub ask me anything.

I am assuming there is something in the review about Chris Pratt's shirtless scene in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Star-Lord… So sexy. And I loved the use of Agent Brand. I have a massive pull list now that I can afford comics. Most of them go in the "I'll get to this soon enough pile."

I am currently caught up with Amazing Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Spider-Gwen, Gwenpool, Totally Awesome Hulk, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Poe Dameron, Thor, Gamora, Star-Lord, Hulk, The Beauty, Saga, The Wicked+The Divine, Ms. Marvel, US Avengers, and Champions

Current Rucka run. DC relaunching all their titles about two years ago made it remarkably easy to hop into their comics. It is basically the perfect length to get caight up in the story, but not be overwhelmed.

Hey @bongoes:disqus ! I started reading Grant Morrison's run on Action Comics (I finally got caught up on Amazing Spider-Man and Wonder Woman). I have to say I weirdly really like Superman's jeans and teeshirt look.

I enjoyed the ending. Better than most of the game. Kate ran off to who knows where and Javi is in charge. He also flirted a little with Jesus.

I had a loving relationship with David, a distant relationship with Kate,
a cautious relationship with Gabe, and my Clem was rejuvenated. She went off to find AJ for me as well.

Hey @avclub-669e3876ba6dab37e11e5237f2c8017e:disqus I finished The Walking Dead!

Remember when movies were good and people enjoyed them?

Remember the Point Break reboot? We all thought that was obviously a joke… But we were wrong… So terribly wrong…

I think the action scenes trended towards a little bland, but then the lasso came out…

Because no one will ever cut the action sequences. Therefore to have any kind of plot or characterization the movies have to have a long running time.

It's The Matrix… but with snapchat!

I enjoyed it quite a lot.

Alright you ignorant savages, I am about to see Wonder Woman.