
I don't know the degree to which I trust their methodology.

It should surprise no one, but Baywatch was terrible.

I order to brag to someone, Donald Trump divulged confidential Israeli intelligence, including outing an operative in ISIS controlled territory, to Russia's ambassador (an ally of America's two biggest adversaries in the Middle East).

it's an incredibly damning story.

Want to watch all 1,225 episodes of Dark Shadows?

I still haven't played Tales From the Borderlands. But it is a much, much, much funnier game than most Telltale games. And it feels weirdly like a Bioware game. There are even Bioware style hints at multiple romantic subplots (which obviously will go nowhere), there is a hilariously sexual bit involving a gun.

A lot of them. I can't really remember any specifically, but I enjoyed them. I was surprised they shelled out to licence as much music as they did, considering they already were licencing the characters.

By the by, I played the first episode of Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy game. Ask me anything.

Remember Pete's Dragon?

To be fair, the EU is ridiculously complicated. Hence why people in the UK seem very confused as to what it is/does.

Well I have only read the first two issues, but I really liked them.

So, in the Angel comic book, Doyle dies in the middle of a story arc. And I do mean in the middle. There's a two page acknowledgement around the middle of the issue that he's dead now and then they just go right back to the storyline. I can't help but feel that no one bothered to inform the writer that he would die….

Oh sure big, fancy guy casually dropping he can get people to go to dinner with him!


Ask him about Gilmore Girls!

Hey @bongoes:disqus so the new Star-Lord solo series is (at least as far as I have read) Greyson reborn (except with less spying and more aliens). It's basically just Peter Quill getting shirtless constantly and people remarking about how nice his butt is. Also, he just got told off by Ms. Marvel for being an idiot.

"Kimmy Does a Puzzle" is surprisingly emotionally resonant. Also Maya Rudolph sings nonsense.

They unexpectedly and wisely decided not to put the poop emoji on any food containers.

I've just unpacked so much Emoji Movie merchandise. 😥

I am disappointed Jacqueline's storyline isolated her so much from the rest of the cast. However I do enjoy that they are all just weird friends with each other.