
I wouldn't say "fair share." There's one or two per season, compared to breasts which have more screen time than most of the characters.

Hey, remember when they made Ghost in the Shell?

Today in what the fuck….

No one who wants to copy Marvel seems to have the vaguest idea of what they did that made them successful.

He is a very underrated actor. Captain America is probably the most difficult part to play in the Marvel movies, and he does such a good job.

Yep. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It is really shaggy, but Chris Evans is such a joy to watch.

Most likely. Although I was just told bt a 17-year-old employee that Boss Baby is hilarious. So there is a demographic for you.

I have to say, these internal emails about how movies are doing are fascinating.

Yeah. I almost feel bad for everyone involved. I'm curious if the random Chinese kung fu master in the movie was an attempt to appeal to the Chinese box office (almost certainly).

Strangers With Candy

Hmm… Both Snatched and King King Arthur are under performing, but Snatched is still likely to take the number two slot. Boss Baby is still in the top five.

Today is Cate Blanchett's birthday. So let us discuss if she is good or tall?

Some WTFery:

So King Arthur is one of the most WTF movies I have ever seen.

I remember distinctly running across an African-American critic who dutifully wrote about Mad Men every week even though she never seemed more than ambivalent about it. That's when it became obvious to me that even though there was so much TV to write about, everyone still had to write about a very small percentage of

And Todd rather accurately points out, or at least dances around, the fact that this was a bigger issue five years ago. Back then there really did seem to be a… for lack of a more polite term… a critical circle jerk over certain shows, Mad Men being the prime example. An episode would air, and the critics would write

So I am horribly over eating today. I just had fried chicken for lunch and am about to order a pizza. I need to lose all the weight.

You should hang out on the CW more often.

Lastly, the new movies in the theater this week are King Arthur: The Legend of the Sword and Snatched. I'll probably see both, but I am not overly enthusiastic about either.

Also, I upgraded my phone yesterday, and because I have been a customer for over a decade, they gave me a free tablet.