
Did you ask Nebula?

There was an impressive call back to Drax's nipple joke…despite the fact that Drax doesn't seem to have nipples. Also his skin should be far tougher than whatever material Rocket used to make the jetpacks.

So Chris Pratt has the most over the top and gratuitous shirtless scenes I have seen in awhile in GofG2. He literally is just changing from one shirt to another and takes a full minute to do it.

How much do you love Hela's hat?

Zemo could have been literally anyone. He was just a smart, calculating guy who figured out where the cracks in the Avengers were. That describes everyone from the Leader to Kang. There was nothing of the flamboyant German baron who led a group called "The Masters of Evil" and devised the Thunderbolts scheme.

This movie is more of a straight up comedy than anything else. It takes itself only slightly more seriously than Spaceballs.

Alright You ignorant savages, I'm in the theater about to watch Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2.

I've tried to explain it to non-comics people but…. every month for decades now I have had an adventure with these characters. I have as emotionally complicated a relationship with them as any real person. So yeah, right now the problem isn't merely some bad story or bad writer (both of which I have seen plenty of),

I'm one episode behind on Arrow (maybe two)

I'm like four episodes behind on the Flash…

Well, Al Ewing's stuff is excellent. His New Avengers was so much fun and I love his love for Sunspot.

Yes. You have to have read comics for five years or more to be as cynical and jaded as we are. And it certainly doesn't help things that Marvel, in the quest for news headlines, decided to be as provocative as possible in promoting/presenting the story.

I watched La La Land tonight. Now, my question is: should all musicals be judged against Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?

Please explain for the group what part of this is fake? Unless…. "Fake news" is a meningless term that you use because you think it is effective instead of when it is accurate.

Remember Milo Fakenamehere got his book canceled and was disinvited from CPAC over a free speech issue… And he never once complained about it! Why it is almost like his free speech angle is complete marketing bullshit and all he cares about is his money!

Yeah. One element I liked from that section of the book was that all the Viking's misery were essentially their own doing. They just blundered into a strange land, murdered the first person they met, and then all died because of their own stupidity.

I really enjoyed it. Part of the problem with the book was that the POV character was the most boring cast member and that he spends most of the book not knowing what's going on (and not being overly curious to try to figure out what is going on). So the pilot was always going to have disjointed structural problems

The Expanse novels are so good!

Like Pleasentville?

"Unforgettable" was okay. A little too long. But it was fun watching Katherine Higal go ax crazy.