
The Oscars. In the movie she just had to be almost, but not quite, evil.

Sticking your head in the freezer. Seriously, doing this for a few minutes will make you feel better and stop a runny nose.

A book based on either Loki or Gambit.

I watched The Bye Bye Man. Ask me anything.

You do realize breathing, sitting down, eating and many other daily activities are justifiable reasons to binge watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

So Velma took control over all the monsters in Scooby Apocalypse and is using them to exterminate the last remaints of humanity.

Has David Goyer ever done anything well except when he had Christopher Nolan working over his shoulder?

Twice. Strangers With Candy the movie and Everwood.

Weird thing I encountered today:

I still don't understand why they think they can make "antifa" a thing. If there is one thing that should unite all sides of Americans, it's being anti-fascist.

I can't quite tell if it is funny in a cosmically ironic sense that Daphne seems to be developing PTSD after slaughtering people with a machine gun in Scooby Apocalypse.

Hey @bongoes:disqus Do you know what's up with Superman's casual Friday outfit in Greyson annual 2?

So Scooby Apocalypse is basically what if the gang from Scooby Doo were hipsters with machine guns fighting cannibal cyborg demons?

So, Walmart had a slew of Marvel Legends action figures on sale. Including all the ones with the Odin build-a-figureā€¦ except motherfuckin' Thor.

He lost money in the casino buisness. Let that sink in.

Remember when Nicole Kidman urinated on Zac Effron?

Have fun always carrying a light sweater.

In a 1977 Marvel comic about Star-Lord they refer to someone as a "Sith Lord."

I still don't know how they can do Hela considering the one thing Marvel has made very, very, very clear is that the Asgardians are not gods in their movies. Hard to do justice to the Asgardian goddess of death while insisting she's not a god.

Frankly you should all just start an Ansel Elgort fan club!