
Didn't Melissa McCarthy already host this season?

I suspect the season will end with the proto-molecule hybrid in the Roci's cargo bay. Otherwise they are going to have to go to Ganymede, leave, and then come back all in the span of five episodes. Which is possible… but silly. Hence why the book had them already on Ganymede by this point.

But are they really more active in this episode? Cortazar is the one who notices the communication between Venus and Ganymede (or something along those lines, I don't remember it being as clear as it was when Avasarala was researching it in the book). Then Drummer takes Naomi to the antenna and they just copy his

Well I am enjoying it a lot more now that Lemony Snicket is becoming a character in the telling of the story. In the initial books he would just preface everything by saying it was a sad story, dedicate the book to Beatrice, and then end it with a note that he's researching the next book. And his only textual

It was really good. I loved the repetition of Reed Richards's speech, with every time after that representing a Reed whose universe promptly died. And then ending on Namor's variation. And I like how it slowly revealed that the Black Priests and Mapmakers were 616 projects. Although, all things considered, I don't

I'm on the fence about Prax's adaptation. I agree with you that there is some excess baggage that was easily excised. But Holden's crew stumbling ass backwards into discovering his daughter's abduction was not great storytelling nor great characterization.

Did you include links? Disqus will sometimes kick out a post over links, or links to sites it does not like.

Hola! I just finished book two of The Expanse series, Caliban's War. It was really, really good. The characters are more exciting than the original novel. The plot is fantastic. It's a really, really good book. I'm also almost finished with book six of A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Ersatz Elevator. It's easily


Yay! Now we only need to trounce Marie Le Penn. And Europe might be saved from fascism.

I'd watch it if the twist was that they were robots programmed to believe they were humans in a matrix made by humans.


I'm saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaillllllllllllling aaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaay

I'm highly amused by Reese Witherspoon's character on Big Little Lies not knowing what Adam Scott's Elvis costume was and mistaking it for a vampire.

He isn't already?

Cable and Deadpool is actually a quite good run, and features one hell of a great fight between Cable and the Silver Surfer.

I'm really intermittent with my Avengers reading because since Bendis took them over they became the center of crossover after crossover after crossover and I only read crossovers once they're completely finished. And I am not as attached to the Avengers as I am the X-Men or Fantastic four.

There is a drop off after House of M. House of M was 2005, Messiah Complex was 2007. It took about that long for the X-Books to figure out where, exactly, they were going. But once they figured out what the post-House of M story would be they burn hard and fast and amazing. Cyclops and Emma emerge as the two best

On the whole… they're really pushing the firm vs. the Trump administration, even if it is only tangential to the actual administration. It's been the basis of a lot of episode up to this point (and there have only been five so far). So I assume having a powerful (if chaotic) adversary will allow for more unity going

Messiah Complex is amazeballs. Pretty much all the X-Men comics from there up until the atrocious A vs. X are great. And you get lots of fun Emma stuff.