
Yeah, but the thing about the unfilled angle is… most people feel unfulfilled by their work. They do it anyway. And Kevin, by all accounts, has a job that 99% of humanity would wish for. One that requires seemingly no work on his part and pays him exorbitantly. Now, the show could have gotten away with it if it

I suspect Kate, in the jazz club, with the pilgrim hat!

Well Rebecca is played by Mandy Moore. So we know for a fact she is capable of making a career out of music (even if the show doesn't always showcase that).

The Witchblade TV show from 2000 is one of the craziest things I have ever seen. But I like how the police made a big deal about people being killed with a sword in the pilot… and then just completely ignore the growing pile of bodies also killed with a sword since then.

It's more of a Legion of Doom than the one on Legends of Tomorrow.

Ehh, "The Math of Love Triangles" is as good as both of those songs. But "When Will Josh and His Friend Leave Me Alone?" is a treasure. Rebecca's hilarious makeover into a '70s TV star. The entire Miss Douche plotline. Heather's parents (I now say, "Get out of my head, you angel!" a lot). Rebecca's 911 phone call…. so

Kevin is the comic relief and fairly consistently the most enjoyable aspect of the show… but if you strip away those elements and just look at his actions…. he's a complete asshole.

Well…. there's always gay porn in which that would be less of a concern.

Someone else mentioned reality TV. And I can totally see Kevin doing Celebrity Rehab. Imagine an entire hour a week where he'd be able to talk about himself and his feelings? He'd be in heaven.

Yeah. Her career had a major setback, if it is not completely over. Her first play, one where they go out of their way to say was heavily covered by the media, and it was a disaster. And she was both writer and star.

It's one of those things where the emotion of the moment (and the emotion of Kevin's sacrifice/priorities) is supposed to be overwhelming. But I've done theater. Even a small and simple play is going to have dozens of people working on it. Stagehands, props people, lighting people, ushers, ticket agents, ect. All

It's largely nice for Kate to have something besides her weight to matter.

I feel like it is more This is Us-ish if Jack died heroically, overcoming some sort of obstacle. I could totally see him getting into a drunk driving accident… but then dying just after rescuing the kids from the back seat or something.

Kevin screwed himself and everyone else in the process. And there were two other people right there that could have handled the situation. It was a monumentally stupid and fairly selfish action.

Toby is pretty self-absorbed. The central problem is that Toby engages in grand gestures, which Kate mistakes for love. But love is sticking to a diet, not because he wants to, but because Kate wants to. Toby guzzling down fried food at a restaurant while Kate is miserable with her salad pretty much proved how shallow

It begins with an "X" and ends with a "tube"

The annoying thing was that Trump would openly campaign on the stuff Clinton got castigated for, including by Trump. He literally said he intended to use the presidency to make himself money.

There were reports that the intelligence agencies were holding back information from the White House specifically because they knew it would get leaked to Russia.

Hey, remember when Oliver was literally murdering rich assholes for being rich assholes? That was, like, his entire MO for the first season.

This is something I have said over and over. Imagine Hillary Clinton was using diplomatic talks with a foreign head of government to promote her business…. and then had a security briefing about a hostile foreign power's weapons test in the middle of a public dining room… where all sorts of people without security