
You are about to hit the best song in the series.

Mmmmmm Justin Hartley. Or half the reason I watch This is Us.

You and your hours and your dinners!

Which is for the same reason that the US never adopted the metric system. All the people who learned the old way will be resentful of a new way. You've either got to force everyone to do it (and be aware that you'll be unpopular) or it just isn't going to happen. France, honestly, has a long history of just forcing

I could sort of see how you could get to him being hot. But there are hotter options out there for his exact look.

Rebecca's a theater nerd. While it mostly manifests in a love of musicals, she also (clearly) loves Shakespeare like all theater nerds. My guess is she has played Ophelia at some point in college.

Well our (and by extension France's) spelling is over 500 years old. Which is why "tough" is spelled as insanely as it is. Generally the way a word is spelled is how it was pronounced whenever it was coined. But languages are slippery things and are constantly evolving. So the spoken version of the word continuously

i'll stop by, as well.

Well that's the counter-point to his simplicity. Throughout almost all of season one, Josh was the only person who saw Rebecca in an unfailingly positive light and appreciated everything about her.

Yep. It really is more of a slam on Rebecca and Darryl than him. And we've already seen both of them treat co-workers like shit so they aren't exactly great leadership.

That TV show made me irrationally angry for all the wrong reasons.

I remember back in the first two seasons when Winston didn't even have a character. Then they just decided to make him the crazy one and he suddenly was the best cast member.

Well shirtless scenes got to shirtless. And apparently he only uses it in the butt when he knows a shirtless scene is coming up. There are pictures of him with it in his abdomen.

Well this is obviously the most grain of salt thing to be taken ever… but awhile ago a poster was on here who claimed to have gone to high school with Fontana and claimed he was extremely egotistical.

I actually just assumed he was diabetic and just making an excuse.

I think we should celebrate the emergence of not-very-bright Asian men on TV.

That was another point that I think they could have hit harder. A trendy brow stylist is still… just a brow stylist. While they made the joke about her being a name dropper, I think they could have hit a little harder on Anna having a grossly inflated since of her own importance.

Well Rebecca certainly has had no problem showing those bad boys off to Chris.

Possibly the best thing that has happened to New Girl in the last few seasons was Winston simply deciding out of no where that he and Cece were best friends. That's done more for Cece's character than everything in the first few seasons combined.

Well we know their legal ratings are terrible on that website.