
Hey! @WalkingNPR:disqus ! Brett Dier was on The LA Complex playing a slutty actor!

Tell her I tweet her and she never responds. And then I cry.

Your words, his words or Elvis's words?

Now I seem remember someone mentioning it before the election…

I marathoned both seasons of This Life, which is so goddamn good. A forty-year-old single mother discovers she has terminal cancer, and it sends her entire family reeling. It's very much of low-key family drama that occasionally indulges in uplift, but it also isn't saccharine and has a lot of bite. There's this

Well at least Rachel Bloom got nominated again!

@WalkingNPR:disqus I like to think I am more of a "Madge" and you are more of an "Allegra."

So, in this David DeCoteau film the demon grabs guys by their hair and shoves them down out of the frame. It's almost less subtle than Leeches!, and that was a movie where people were being attacked by giant puppet penises.

But do you feel like you have been to a bachelor party?

Legends of Tomorrow is the weakest of the shows. And I still can't make heads or tails out of the world's least racist Nazis. However I still love me some Sara, Mick and Ray. And Vixen is a million times better than Hawkgirl.

Well Arrow was clearly the show most designed to be an episode of itself, while Legends and The Flash were more obviously crossover episodes and less concerned with representing the show proper.

Yep. I like how they were each really good episodes of each series, while also being a giant crossover bananza!

I think TPM's problems could be fixed easier than AotC's. It really needed a better editor and couple of additional scenes. And it needed to end on a melancholy note, rather than a triumphalist note. Drop the midichlorians, give the Jedi better better motivations, cast Annikin a little older, make Qui-Gon Jinn a

Well Portman gives possibly her worst acting in her entire career. Christensen is incredibly limited as an actor, and the PT didn't play to his strengths.

TPM is just borderline unwatchable. George Lucas was so enchanted with CGI, the movie is largely just an excuse to show cool images. And his cool images are just not that cool. The characters exist largely to move from CGI spectacle to CGI spectacle. No one has a particularly defined character and you can see how

I've been watching This Life which is a Canadian drama about a woman who discovers she is dying of cancer and only has a year left to live. She comes from a fairly large family of people who never ever deal with any of their issues, so everyone's got problems. It's really good. It's very This is Us or Party of Five-ish

He also likes being tied up. I assume that's why he liked sex with Rebecca so much. She's fine with everything.

Well… she was pulling her own weight when it came to schmoozing Anna at the Vet. But Valencia wasn't lying to herself that she didn't have completely ulterior motives.

It's better than the Phantom Menace, not as good as Revenge of the Sith. There are also these other Star Wars movies you might have heard of, they are pretty good.

She had no existing female friends. That's part of the point of the character. She sang an entire song about it. And in episode two explicitly stated, "The last time I had a solid crew was in high school, but then they all got jealous because I got these amazing boobs and they were still trolls, and so they spread all