
Chris Hemsworth is really fucking sexy. My friend Pat and I had an insanely long conversation about the hotness levels of Scarlet Johanson and Chris Hemsworth right before Avengers: Age of Ultron and how we should be double dating them.

What are your rankings of all the actors who have portrayed Superman?

I liked when Rory was insulting them to their faces, without even realizing it.

I still don't understand how Reverse-Flash admits he killed Barry's mother and Barry is like, "It's all cool. Let's bang!"

Can I just reiterate how much I love Ray Palmer?

So, am I correct in thinking that none of the Legends have met Eobard yet?

What's on your Christmas or other Winter Holiday list this year?

What's your favorite Halloween candy?

Seriously, if you ever need to talk, I am here. I can give you my phone number.

What was your favorite thing about Grant Morrison's Batman?

So, Hulkling and Wiccan or Ricter and Shatterstar?

So what are the odds that Wonder Woman will be good, bad, or mediocre?

I just thought you sincerely curious about how The Flash would work as a porno. I assume you looked it up (If you want a guide to the wild world of gay porn, that I absolutely can fill you in on).

Well, if you ever want to talk about depression… I am here and have a lot of experience.

What where your top three favorite moments from "Invasion?"

Will anyone ever top Sara's fashion sense on any of these Arrowverse shows? Because they're trying with Vixon and not pulling it off.

Sometime you should join in on my befuddlement about gay porn parodies. There's one just being released that is based on a "Christmas Carol" except Scruge (who is called "Jordan" for no reason) has to learn to fall in love and not just use people for sex… which learns by having sex with ghosts.

What did you have for lunch today?

Have I told you I am proud of you yet? Because I probably should have done that before talking about the Arrowverse… but I have invested five years of my life into those TV shows…

Have you experimented?