
Well that would just be logical. And when has Barry ever been logical?

Cisco: I could just flip through planets until I find an earth with no life on it…

Nope. Don't forget, this is the third time one of Barry's associates turned out to be the villain. Assuming Caitlin turns evil this will be the third time a member of the team betrays the group.

Oliver's island prison is illegal as all hell, but it is at least a legitimate prison overseen by a government agency. The Flash's prison is not merely illegal, but they keep the prisoners in long term solitary confinement in cells that are obviously far, far too small.

Speaking of which, when exactly are they going to set that bomb off? Out of all of Barry's irrational secret keeping, nothing is a bigger fuck up than keeping the fact that they are holding an alternate reality Laurel Lance from Oliver and Sara.

At least Oliver had it as a consistent character trait (one consistently established in every seasons' flashbacks).

I really don't see how it could last any length of time as a TV show. Nine months from the pilot the world either is or is not destroyed. If it is destroyed, well, they are all dead. If it is not destroyed, then Xavier is an insane person who should be in counseling.

Well, getting cold powers means Caitlin is automatically evil, despite the show never establishing that powers effect the mind in any way.

Isn't Iris supposed to be a journalist? Because she never seems to go to an office, she never seems to file any stories, she never seems to write anything.

So my first thought watching this episode was "Why did they give Xavier a terrible haircut?" I still don't understand why they gave him that particular haircut when his hair was perfectly fine.

If the show was going to do it again, the audience should always have been let in on it. That way we could see the manipulation and how (apparently) easy it is for someone to engender the trust of the Flash team.

Also completely different, how one of Barry's associates is actually the alternate identity of a villain.

So, it is yet another evil speedster who wants to race… I mean "battle" the Flash?

Apparently I am crazy dense because I literally just got the joke where Ray Palmer says that Supergirl looks like his cousin.

I'll mix things up and say: video game cut scene.

Anywho, contrasting Oliver with a cheerful, upbeat character is why everyone loved Felicity for three seasons.

I like how Barry was so excited to introduce her to Oliver and then he just craps all over her.

I really enjoyed Oliver and Kara's relationship. I hope she guest stars on Arrow the second half of the season.

But are you shipping Kara/Barry or Kara/Oliver?

Just wait until you get to the massive crossover between Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow.