
I'm certain the girl squad is going to break up when Rebecca inevitably goes back for Josh.

I signed up!

I would agree that it isn't as good as X and Y. And if you pay attention, it is 20 minutes into the opening sequence until you start catching Pokemon.

I prefer David Hull.

He's a male Rebecca. If you like her (in all the flexible ways that "like" can mean), then you can like Trent.

Every single time Cate Blanchett comes up in conversation now, I ask some variation on, "Is Cate Blachett a good actress, or just tall?"

I have completed Sun and Moon's pokedex! That took a bit of time, but was worth it.

She was empathetic enough to Paula's needs to notice something was wrong (granted, after Darryl pointed it out), she was just self absorbed enough to believe it had to be because of her.

Rebecca will do just about anything to keep her negative thoughts away. We've seen her stew in her own depression twice ("Sexy French Depression" and "You Stupid Bitch"), and neither time was pretty.

I'm not sure at what point the free beer and wings would not be worth hanging around a guy who is racist (and yet oddly desperate to befriend the Asian and Hispanic guys).

Originally she was semi-deserving. She assumed the staff meeting was about her, and then when Darryl made his big announcement, she attempted to make it about herself. I think she was doing it out of sincere niceness, and Darryl absolutely over reacted, but it was justified in the moment.

Valencia and Rebecca always have gotten along well. In the second episode before Rebecca put her foot in her mouth, they were friends. And when they were bridesmaids together they started getting along well. The problem is that Valencia always susses out that Rebecca has ulterior motives. But now she has no ulterior

Weirdly, I know a lot of the history of sex toy parties. In the '70s and '80s the only way (most) women could get accurate advice about sex was if they happened to be friends with an openly gay man. The original sex toy parties were essentially that women who worked in erotica stores would go to private residences and

In particular they are riffing on "Spice Up Your Life," which had a video that seems to be about how the Spice Girls have taken over and are now ruling a dystopia.

Much like Rebecca, "I'm bored, I have nothing to do, plus it might cheer me up" is why I have had sex in an uncomfortably large percentage of the time.

She's actually less likely to do something cringe worthy when she is being a bad person.

I like it a lot. But I wish it was willing to go to a much darker place. The show is premised that Evie is dating someone who might or might not be insane. Either she's being seduced into living her life like a crazy person or the world is going to be destroyed.

If the show really, really, really wanted to hit some bold satire… Trent attempting to make out with Josh to try to turn on Rebecca would be a wonderful commentary on just how often that scene plays out with two women on TV these days.

I do agree that "Put Yourself First" hit the satire stronger.

Also, this is the second time that someone tried to force themself into Josh's friend group (well 7,000th time if you count all the times Rebecca attempted it).