
I thought the Dominators looked a little too similar to the White Martians.

And Mon-El! He's National City's favorite kind of slutty but hilarious alien.


They're all Greg Berlanti shows, so it is pretty much expected. But in three seasons Barry hasn't had better chemistry with anyone other than Oliver, and let's just say we're at the point where I'm not sure if Oliver's chemistry with Felicity tops his with Barry.

Well, the show had to pay the salaries for at least ten additional very high profile actors. That had to eat a lot of budget.

So the True Love story across all these shows is Barry/Oliver, right? I mean, they immediately start classic bantering when they meet. Barry wants Oliver in the super secret meeting to discuss the super secret. Barry is very excited to introduce Kara to Oliver. Oliver decides to skip the mission to console Barry. And

What I loved about Barry excitedly introducing Kara to Oliver is how Kara was immediately weirded out by Oliver's intensity.

I justify it in that the Legends have a supercomputer guiding their actions. They, theoretically, know exactly where to pop out of the time stream and what limitations their actions need to have in order not to fuck things up. It was something mentioned fairly regularly in season one, but less so this season.

I think he was too concerned about the alien invasion and getting everyone to his city to really care about Oliver and Diggle fighting some guy with a gun. But he still should have just punched him in the face at least.

Well, the generally weak season of the Flash was put aside for one of the best episodes of TV all year. It was basically just thirty minutes of hilarious and awkward character interaction followed by one big ass superhero fight.

Yeah, that was a really, really good episode. About 30 minutes of hilarious character interaction followed by one intense fight.

And more homoeroticism!

Shouldn't Caitlen stop being a wimpy wimp and join the fight?

Welp, Barry and Oliver are pretty fucked.

"How'd you get the name 'Heatwave?'"

See, how could this crossover not end in Oliver and Barry making out when Oliver is skipping the mission console Barry?

(She's already banged Oliver)

They missed a really big opportunity. All those aberrations the Legends were fixing could have been by products of Barry's fuck up.

"One sci-fi problem at a time."

HAHAHA! Kara being weirded out by Oliver's intensity.