
Well, obviously, I can't miss my main man, Sean Hannity!

My hope is that in less than 24 hours we will never have to hear about Fanta Hitler again.

Amazingly, there was a point where he was a rising star of the Republican Party. HA!

Remember back before he shut down a bridge out of petty spite?

ALSO BRING BACK GARGOYLES! (And the six or seven Gargoyles spin offs!)

Well, TV shows people enjoy enough to watch streaming.

You should watch the animated Doctor Strange movie that came out in 2007.

I really liked the ending. It was fresh in that it wasn't a physical confrontation. And it showed Dr. Strange's narrative arc, in that the whole ending was predicated upon Strange being willing to fail over and over for eternity (basically his version of being in hell). And it didn't lesson the power of Dormammu, a

You should read Sleeper by Brubaker (and also his Catwoman). He actually wrote the X-Men sections of the Annihilation series, as well.

How are you enjoying Brubaker?

It's super weird to watch his movies from prior to 2004. They're not good, but they're competent in a way he's completely lost the ability to be. I can't tell if it is severely reduced budget, or if the pressures of producing for streaming services have gotten to him, or what, but a movie like Leeches! is so vastly

Luckily I can fast forward through large portions of most of the movies. There's one where there isn't any dialogue in the first 20 minutes. It's just a guy walking around a house.

I, for some inexplicable reason, decided to write a career retrospective on David DeCoteau, so I spent the entire weekend watching truly terrible movies, that are all terrible in the same frustrating ways.

It was a really good episode. So much drama! But the show still seems to be relying upon mysteries too much. And I can't tell if it was supposed to be satirical that the one writer guy hasn't been fired yet.

Wow, that scene on Westworld where Maeve walks through the office and labs.


I really enjoyed it. It had its highs and lows, but mostly was quite good. Also, how great is Bryce Dallas Howard?

Chinese people singing Lady Gaga songs?

They crossover several times in the first season. I'm one of the people who likes Angel more than Buffy. I'd keep altering between them.