
Miss Martian. Maybe they can get a young black girl and get some female supporting characters of color in this white women show.

YES. I wish they had ended the episode with Supergirl in space, even though she inexplicably can’t breathe in space, but whatever.

I keep wishing they had set Supergirl in the future and avoided all of these problems with Superman. Now, that it’s done, I think they should just stop mentioning him completely. Yes, it’s a huge plot hole, but what they’re doing with him rn is more head-scratchy. Just...pretend he doesn’t exist.

I’m a person of color, an immigrant, and a woman and I wouldn’t be caught dead voting for HRC. Why should I vote for someone as warhawkish as her? I’d rather not more people who look like me get bombed and droned, thanks. I have other issues too, but her foreign policy stances disgusts me as an Asian brown woman.