They've also guested 1/2 (or 3/6 to be exact) of the Perfect Couples cast. I'm about 86% sure the only reason Nick and Jess broke up is so they can get the other 3.
They've also guested 1/2 (or 3/6 to be exact) of the Perfect Couples cast. I'm about 86% sure the only reason Nick and Jess broke up is so they can get the other 3.
I wonder if the TV censors have a 'naivety gauge' or something that lets them choose what can and can't be said. Like, coming out of Deschanel's mouth with her specific inflection somehow makes it okay.
I miss Michael Ian Scott.
I think they actually created her in a lab. Couldn't have cast a mini-Cece better. And the first one wasn't bad at all.
She kind of starts out as a snob in New Girl, but she's really far removed from the character she played on the office. Although, I like the idea of Angela scoring liquid ecstasy. That says d, she does put off a surface layer of iciness that seems pretty present at most times.
Yeah, coming from different places. Seems to be a thing with this show. I feel the coming together of Nick and Jess in late season 2 was the pinnacle of the show, whereas early season 1 was as inconsistent (and far more obnoxious) than season 3 was. And while I guess you don't HAVE to take the creator of the show…
I guess they spent about 10 seconds on it in the premiere. I just think there has to be something more here and there. And while it doesn't have to be every episode (or every other episode, or every third episode) it has to be at least a little significant. Otherwise, necessary for the show's longevity or not, the…
While I quite enjoyed Nick and Jess together, and while almost every high point of the show's history involves something between the two of them, I do agree with the sentiment that they couldn't last forever. At least not continuously. But, I do think there is an obsessive tumblr faction of fans that would have been…
This takes me back to 9th grade English. Aren't all similes metaphors? Or do I have that backwards? I used to always got paradox and oxymorons flipped too.
Also quite enjoyed Winston's Charlotte's Web reference. To the movie, mind you, not the children's book.
"He's not stupid—he's willfully ignorant."- pretty spot on. And we all know those people. I think a lot of people miss that. We may step away from Nick as the lead for a while, but there are depths to be mined there later this season.
The cast gets gold marks all around for their portrayal of the inebriated. Johnson, of course, has the longest track record, though I think Deschanel plays a fantastic (if more toned down) drunk. Wayans had the smooth, comfortable brand of stoned down great. Not sure what (or who) Hannah Simone's model was, but…
I liked the extreme minimal effort. Didn't even bother putting the cards away.
Yeah, Schmidt was in need of some rehabilitation. Putting him opposite Jess is a pretty good method of that.
Not gonna lie, I saw the Billboards for this show and was kind of hoping it was starring the Wendy's chick. Judge away.
That is outstanding. Must be some kind of response to the Muscle Hamster. What's Trent Richardson's Nickname? The Stagnant Mole?
At the very least, it was an impeccably timed guest spot. Sproles went OFF this week.
Any chance Fox will just chuck this and air the original, foreign version? The ratings are so dismal already that a 3 year old version where everyone speaks a language we (probably) don't understand couldn't do much worse.
Whoa. If last weeks slop was a B+ and this is a C+, I'm a little hesitant to watch. Ah, who am I kidding. There's got to be some funny acts of random douchery in there, right?
Well, shit. I was expecting the typical critical review of a clearly silly comedy that takes the stance of a 'cleverer than thou, and exhibiting the kind of sophisticated humor that this film clearly lacks' type of review. You know, the kind of reviews that seldom display any original or chuckle-worthy humor of…