
It wasn't a hilarious part, but there was something just great about Jamie Lee Curtis' performance. Not really finding the words right now, but it really, really added a lot to the moment.

I don't think it's been noted, but I loved Jess' maniacal birthday 'good morning' hiss at Nick. "This is the time I was born. I'm wide awake. It's my birtthhdaaaay." Jess has never been so frightening.

Agreed. May be inevitable, but I hope we have a good while before they tackle that subject. Unless it is to outright dismiss it.

Parks and Recreation has some diversity. Retta, Aziz Ansari…Rashida Jones is mixed, and I think Aubrey Plaza is, too. And that's without mentioning Perd Hapley.

I was actually okay with Deschanel's crying in this episode. I took that is was supposed to be a bit awkward. That she's supposed to be legitimately sad, but not so sad what we shouldn't laugh at what's going on around her. Besides, we've seen how effective her 'serious sads' can get, and they probably wanted to

Cooking is his only outlet.
Typically not a Josh Gad guy, but I'm on board with small doses of Bearclaw.

But Cece didn't. How would she know?

Well, she was there, so hopefully that means she'll be back.

I like how Magnitude is your go-to example. I don't know, though. Andre Braugher and Terry Crews are kind of one note so far, but I would expect them to grow as Brooklyn Nine Nine goes forward.

And that he's a left-handed QB with startlingly white hair?

Schmidt's from Long Island, son.

I'm totally fine that they chose to fast forward to Schmidt and Cece being okay around each other. Completely necessary.

I don't know why people compare them . I really don't think they pair together very well, either. Just because they have female leads, I guess.

Regarding Cooler, There was the whole 'not like this' scene (following the way Nick let his hand fall to Jess' knee, complete with an exchange of knowing looks). Are we sure she was supposed to be completely startled? She didn't take long to participate, after all. That said, she sure seemed stunned afterwards.

Not sure it seals the deal for me as far as Coach goes, but this was easily his best episode.

I think the term 'hate watching' that is bounced around this site so often was an accurate description of my relationship with Season 2. I still don't think it's great, but so far Season 3 has definitely graduated to mere 'watching'.

I know this show.is a bonafide hit, but there were a couple things that may not bode well for it. 1. I totally forgot it was on. 2. When I did flip over I think it took about 7 minutes for Spader to appear. Bad move. If he's not there to devour the scenery, the audience is left with no choice but to just look at

I will say, though, that I was fully prepared for them to drag out the whole 'Is Joe alive?' bit for a few more episodes. By doing otherwise it has, at the very least, made one good decision.

Well, you gotta factor in at least 150 minutes dedicated to saving Kim.

Jack Bauer would've had this shit sewn up in 3 hours.