Lois Crandell

OR maybe you can spend that time making sure your 4 and 6 year old don’t kill each other while you do meetings in your bedroom between running into their rooms to make sure they are doing the requisite amount of arts and crafts to pass for homeschool while cleaning your house because a 4 and 6 year old are in it all

You know what the difference between us is? My name, my face, and my social media link are right there. I stand by everything I say and don’t talk shit anonymously.

Drugs not hugs 

I always read Joel Osteen and think Haley Joel Osment. That’s all.

She looks so amazing! I believe your conspiracy. *adjusts my tin foil facinator*

So now that I’ve seen the pic, this pink bubble wrap is a staple for shipping for quite some time. There is no novelty in their pink bubble wrap. I actually have some computer RAM that was shipped in pink bubble wrap from 15 years ago. U-Line could probably sell you a 100 miles of the stuff right now. They might as

Do you think we’re making different points?


You win and I saw someone die on a plane once.

Mr. Abdul-Jabbar is correct and everything about his letter was perfect. I was thinking I wonder how would Snoop feel if someone stepped to his Mom, wife, or daughter like that. Both Snoop and 50 need to sit their ass down somewhere and SHUT UP! Both need to grow up and learn how to treat people. Damn, it's not hard

I read it as “job” was super surprised.

It gets worse. The rower at the back of the boat is called the stroke and they sit just in front of the cox.

So, while you are less likely to have vaginal tearing with a csection, it’s major abdominal surgery and they have to cut muscles and nerves. Nerves freaking hurt when they grow back. Weeks of random incredibly painful zaps. It’s been 4 years, and while you can’t see a scar on my skin, I can feel it through my skin.

thank you for saying my exact thought when glancing at the first sentence on the main page. AHHHHHHH *stares into the abyss*

I thought she said 16 in 2007 and was confused until I read your post. Lol! I was 17 in 2007. She was in 7th grade when I started reading this site. No wonder I don’t relate to any of her posts.