
I kinda want to play paintball with drones now

I’m neither ultra-critical of King nor a fashion expert. Keeping those things in mind, I must ask: Why the hell would anyone pay for clothing with his visage on it?

Black-owned from the seed to the shipping and everything in between. ⁣

She does. No lies detected. 

I mean, they may actually be hurt by the consequences of your actions, and they can’t have that!

Youtube knows what he is doing but as long as it brings them revenue they do not care

I reported it earlier today, got an email a few hours ago from Youtube saying they’d age-restricted the video, which isn’t really enough to be honest. But the video now has comments disabled and it can’t earn revenue for Choi (who absolutely should be banned from the platform for his track record of dangerous shit),

Yes, let’s be helpful

This needs to be higher up

If they were arguing for better wages and more places to park so they could sleep at night, I’d have respected them a lot more.

Testosterone level makes the most sense. I do not know what swimming’s threshold is, but I am glad that the NCAA finally allowed each sport to come up with their own policy rather than a blanket policy that will apply to track & field, basketball, swimming, and rifle.

they demand donations from right wing idiots.

These same fuckers will read this and have not even a sliver of compassion....yet they crying about Ukranians. They also will be willfully obtuse about what Defund the Police means. Fucking demons.

Now playing

Also, this the guy’s car they smashed into. Choi filed a copyright strike against him for including a clip of the jump in his first video.

I definitely see the Black Knight vibes there. But also nothing about the bathtub Triumphs.

Sigh..I’ll never be liked on this site but here goes:

Head Rush!! 

As a certified professor of dickology, I think I can safely say... that’s a shlong.

agreed, he clearly loves the properties, you can see the genuine giddyness in the video.

And even so, Cavil still gets a good hazing from Talk Show Hosts and interviewers from time to time after he started sharing his nerdiness. I for one love that he’s so open about his hobbies. I still get weird looks when I say I assemble and paint minis in my spare time.