
Very sexy, tires could beef up a bit, but the body and stance is hot.

Death Proof would have been a great 1/2 hour segment in a Creepshow movie.

Speed II: Cruise Control

Bone density and testosterone are probably a good starting place, but sports (hell all competition) is unfair if we start picking apart individual human advantage. With no other options I think we could strive for sports where someone could look at a sheet containing metabolic information and have absolutely no clue

Hey, look on the bright side: Now that’s she’s in the public eye as a bigot there’s less pressure to watch the cowboy movie just to be a queer ally.

No kidding. They are busy sucking up and asking for scraps from the very people who represent every system that pushed them into a corner.

Anyone paying attention to material realities who’s also invested in real working class struggle has, for years, been observing truckers have been getting hardfucked for decades. You can recognize the validity of their struggle and oppression without giving them a free pass to be assholes.

Subaru owner linked Choi’s video in his gofundme to help repair/replacement costs. Choi had them take it down.

But guns keep you from getting robbed. I read it on the 2nd page of their magazine last year while avoiding conversation during Thanksgiving dinner at my dad’s house.

Remember when your uncle got mad at Venezuela for taking that non-operational GM plant after the U.S. started fucking with their domestic matters?

The name “Vincent” never shows up in this article.

I had a Sportster with this gear pattern, 1 up 3 down, came off a Honda CM500 with the more common patterns. Took two drives for it to become natural.

The school trying to insist they have the ability to prevent off-campus incidents from affecting the kids at school must not remember Kennedy, The Challenger, or 9/11.

tell the middle schooler at the bottom of a well of fists and feet they have the power in that situation. lol

Undoubtedly idiots to follow Elon’s lead so far.


The DNC will continue to actively support legislators who actively obstruct progress so they can look like they are trying without actually getting anything done.

This is the kind of shit old liberals say and think is cool. Young people are fortunate to not have lived through the 70's and 80's when boomers (all of whom voted Reagan twice) decided to show they were not racist by affecting some sort of “funky cool whitey” persona or by acting overly familiar with black culture

they gonna stop teaching capitalism or any sort of hierarchy? Pretty sure placing groups of people above others is a ‘divisive’ concept.

Sally Field/Tom Hanks “Punchline” (1988) = Lovers