
Thank god, now I’m sure Capitalism will become ethical.

How is Cry Me a River any different from the genre Taylor Swift works in? Is she a villain for implying poor treatment from her ex’s or is JT only a villain because he came out of it in decent shape compared to her (Swift’s) exs? Does that make Spears the villain in the Federline relationship since he came out of it a

These are the Capitalist citizens I’m supposed to respect, right?

I want Ye to write a breakup album, win a Grammy for it, and Taytay come’s up on stage to snatch his moment.

Every one of these boys in bully-culture turns snitch, meanwhile there are people on their second decade in Guantanamo who never dropped a dime.

Who could have guessed that, in reality, socioeconomic class supersedes  sexuality as an identity? Oh, I’m being told “literally everyone paying attention who isn’t invested in the Butegeig campaign. Also the original Spinderella.”

Yo, I got the hot air-fryer tip:

Dust them spuds (tots work best) with some flavor, au jus powder, ranch powder, kraft mac n cheese powder, you name it, dust it. 400 for 15(ish).


Not a fan of the show, but he has a fat hog so I stand with him out of class-solidarity.

Come on, “tragedy”? Look, dude might be getting a divorce or some external thing, but don’t you just know that he offed hisself in anticipation of it being revealed he took part in this bullshit?

We need to mainstream dirigibles as heavy transport. This is goddamn goofy and unnecessary.

One of the more unusual and yet true-to-form exercises of copaganda in recent memory. Or is this not a story about a serving police officer regularly breaking the law framed in a way so as to make them a folk hero to a later generation?

Izzard fetishizes femininity, placing CIS women on some sort of magical shelf*.

She’s intimated that she’s “hard to track down” because she’s avoiding “unrelated” harassment and threats. Ergo: She’s claiming or intimating that she’s been stalked or the victim of DV.

I almost shit myself laughing at this dead fuck.

China executes people for selling shitty milk to consumers.

How about we blame the stupid dildo Americans who think “Spain = brown/subjugated class”. If you don’t have that stupid blind spot and aren’t packing some stupid idpol dildobrain then literally NONE of this matters.

That’s kind of a weird one, the Cloony/Thompson thing. Obviously this is the norm for pornography, way conventionally attractive women vs schlubs. And we all know why, the consumer is likely much more able to relate to a schlub with a gross dick.

Isn’t “It was a nice show in it’s day” literally the same thing as when your grandpaw says “It was a different time?” when excusing some reprehensible thing his generation cherishes?

I guess t the time it came out it seemed to dovetail perfectly with “graduating” from scooter class bikes to full sized bikes. If you look at their scooters, from Spree to Elite to the Helix and when they came out you could easily imagine someone having one of the sub 150cc bikes literally growing into an adult right