
with the steering wheel on the wrong side.”

Is there such a thing as Demon repelling, non fan blowing, waterproof salt. If there is, I think I’d like to stock up on a lot of that. 

Pure hyperbolic horseshit to the point that I don't know whether to take you serious or not.

Agree. My favorite episode from the new Doctor.

Obama would never have put himself and his staff into a situation like this, where as Trump is willing to drag everyone down around him to his level and turn anything he touches into a circus so he can bask in the spotlight of his runaway ego.

Newsflash : Skanky horrible woman continues to out perform her skankiness peak level.

When you only give a fuck about your own little personal world, your perspective is entirely through Rose colored self centered smug glasses.

Looks like a big space joint. 

I think Texas, with the rise of Beto, has birthed the next president of the United States. Short term loss against Cruz, but big long term gain for the Democratic Party on the national stage. I truly believe that.

The sad part is Guy Fawkes happened over the catholic vs protestant squabble for power. James the I of Great Britain and Ireland was originally only James VI of Scotland until he united the kingdoms, but his mother Mary Queen of Scots was catholic and dark forces on the protestant side forced her abdication and then

I think any fan in order to blow dust off the solar panels would require too much energy due to the 1% density of Mars’s atmosphere vs. Earths, meaning it would require a hell of a lot more wind power to blow that dust off the solar panels and I don’t think they’d have that kind of power to piss away to begin with.

The cpr call blocker v5000 along with the Nomorobo service has been my best attempt at stopping all these B.S calls. I’d say overall, they’ve been around 95% effective.

Too much of a gamble with TCL TV’s reliability along with the roll the dice on the panel quality and hope for the best. Think I’d rather pay extra for a more reliable brand, so I’m waiting to see what deals with be available for Black Friday.

Too much of a gamble with TCL TV’s reliability along with the roll the dice on the panel quality and hope for the

They had all those fucking resources to find it including drones, but used one dumb ass plan when they finally caught up with it, giving them an excuse to say we had no choice but to kill it. You’ve backed it into a corner and what, you don’t think of using those sharp shooters from a distance with traquilizer darts,

I couldn’t give a rats ass if lazy voting could be done with a smartphone tap. All I care is that people vote.

This came to mind.

Sorry to read that. Such a Good actor. Remember seeing him first on that x-files episode where he was an Alien that just loved baseball. Always liked that episode.


Now playing

So right there with you. I got to drive one for a while in the U.K and it was an absolute blast. The new Swift Sport seems too grown up now with more quirky looks and sky high price in comparison to the old one. That old 1.6 had higher Emissions and road tax compared to the new one, but the old one had more character.