
Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't

you spelled “awesome Genesis RPG” wrong.

The FURminator. /thread

The FURminator. /thread

Spending hours on this raid and getting some lame-ass drill sounds almost as bad as spending $60 and getting Fallout 76.

We’ve failed as a society.

As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people

People who do get offended should look at it from her perspective, instead of just looking at it from their own narrow view. She clearly admires the character and wants to do a faithful cosplay of her.

Several organizations led by or advocating for people of color have publicly condemned the practice and have done so for years. You should be listening to them.

I am a person of color and I think you need to calm the fuck down lol. I thought her cosplay looked great, except a bad, patchy, blending job on her makeup. 

Weak, played-out take applying American SJW mentality to someone on another continent.  Kotaku is getting so hard to read.

Just cause someone gets offended, does not mean they are right. 

Blackface is a clearly wrong for an American where historically blackface was used to show harmful stereotypes. But this is someone from Lithuania. I do not know how this would be seen in that culture and I am not comfortable exporting my cultural norms without understanding this aspect. 

I’m a person of color and I don’t think she crossed any lines.. Matter fact, I think its just outright dumb someone would consider this “black face”. 

Judging a Lithuanian who wants to be a black hero by your own convoluted culture doesn’t seem just. And it’s flawed logic to say that it offended some black person somewhere and we shouldn’t offend anyone because it also offended some white supremacist or some religious wackadoo somewhere who thinks it’s disgusting to

how is she mocking black people in that cosplay? Is she acting out stereotypes? Using props? I dare you show me a tweet were she is being racist in any way.

I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s

These are similar to small Transformer style toys McDonald’s included in their happy meals. They turned from food items into McDonald’s mascots. I believe, but could be totally wrong, that they were released after the Transformers animated movie.

Now playing

Did Bungie have to pay anyone for it in Destiny? It was the only thing I ever bought in this game with real $ back then.... they got me, couldn’t resist

Remastered versions! Now with less content than the original!

Or people could stop trying their best to be offended and outraged with absolutely everything, the joke was trivial and insignificant. But no every liberal want’s to lead a witch hunt every time something is said that they don’t quite agree with. The world needs to grow the fuck up already.