
Agreed. I’ve seen a few people make the mistake of conflating Quicksilver, Domino, and America Chavez. America’s effect isn’t drawing her on turn 6, it’s not drawing on her on turns 1-5.

Getting rid of Miss America actually isn’t the best idea when you are climbing the ladder. She’s more than a 9-power six drop. She essentially thins the deck from 12 to 11. If you have cards you need to see before 6 she helps with that. And sometimes you just need to finish out the game with a well powered hero. If

Great summary. I’d also add that in Pool 1, America serves to protect combo decks from Mantis and Yondu. When you would draw her any time before round 6, you instead draw another card, while America stays on top of the deck. So any effect that takes out your top card just snipes America.

100% agree. I’ve Chavez in my Devil Dino deck solely for the deck thinning. More often that not I don’t even bother playing her cause I managed to create a second Dino with Moongirl or created a better play thanks to White Queen, but the degree that her presence increases the consistency of drawing the important cards

I ain’t gonna lie I too cried over the death of that damn boat. 

Agreed, this game is super addicting! I love that feeling of seeing my strategy fall apart due to the effect of a random location and improvising a new one to pull off a really close victory like, “Oh no, this is bad... wait, I can salvage this... they did what!?!? Oh, that played out perfectly actually!”

Yeah, but the last time the X-Men WEREN’T convoluted was roughly 40 years ago. At this point it’s almost a part of the brand.

they look nothing alike 

Theres definitely fans of the Venture bros on the writing staff of She Hulk. The line where Daredevil explains the difference between goons and henchmen could have been straight from the mouth of Henchman 21

He admitted he cheated as a 12 and 16 year old. Doing dumb shit as a kid and a teen holds next to no water. And with the level of security in the most recent event, unless he has access to brain implants that don’t exist yet and somehow decided that the best way to use them was to play chess, then it’s hard top

Evidently Magnus is a six-sigma chess machine and can detect with perfect precision when an opponent’s stress hormones are below baseline for their ELO.

Unlike me. I’m a great loser. I lose even when people think “there’s no way for this guy to lose in this situation”.

Just to throw this out there - it’s not immoral to beat the ever-loving shit out of the people who make these videos whenever and wherever you find them. I saw one once where three teenagers were picking on a guy just going about his day in a hardware store, and for the life of me I couldn’t understand why he didn’t

No no, these are the GOOD kind of politics.  The kind that never get commented on or very quickly hand-waved away.

The BAD politics is like...women or minorities existing.

it’s...a fun romp. I mean there are sitcome episodes i dont find funny that i still find entertaining and She Hulk is to me entertaining. 

Um, counterpoint, like, no? Pwned.

Now playing

Personally, I would much prefer Laszlo Holmes to be the new League of Legends President

Nipples on a man are sinful because they server no purpose!!!!  Unblur the junk!!!!

Eh, that message sounds like the sort of pretentious buzzword pileup that artists think of after the fact to make a project seem more deep than it is. I’m not sure what the opposite of his message would even be but it would probably be equally insincere.