
@jcb231: the oruginal plan was not to have rock band in teh title, ultimately it's going to be a beatles rock band platform. HMX basically was told, "look we don't want people to play music other than ours in teh game", "but we also want the entire catalog available for it" HMX plans on releasing at least 3 more

@blizzardjesus: FYI it emulates nothing of the live production/turntablist stylke of music. but yeah It's fun for other reasons I guess.

@BigChiefSmokem: no you make the turntable move the one made by numark for the other DJ game coming out rotates freely.

@beetnek: they paid for marketing, they paid for the press conference, they're going to pay to ship them to distributors of course they're taking a loss on them even before selling a single unit.

@robotsneedhugs2: show some respect man Ozzy is a legend but the guys in heaven and hell other than Dio wrote all the music for your favorite sabbath songs. Ozzy wrote some of the lyrics and was a madman on stage. It all worked together but the sick guitar riffs and drums are still from the guys behind ozzy.

@darkos87: yeah panzer dragoon orta was way better on the PC, soul caliber 2 was even better. Don't forget Ninja Gaiden.

so you ignored the completely separate and fulfilling co-op mode? In that version you have to team up[ and plan explosions together to help each other. I loved this game it also is exploding with character and style. teh end credits were actually really rewarding too.

@Megaman703: it's being made by a japanese dev co and most jap devs are hush hush til the games done. it's coming.

@Anarchist_Gamer: neversoft said limited backwards compatiblity would be coming to GH5. still means nothing to me. I bought GHWT and GH:M this weekend in teh buyt 2 get one free deal at gamestop and honestlt GHWT is still crap. GH:M is slightly more interesting thanks to all the metallica songs but I'm bored while

@NeoAkira: by your logic DMC reppiued of streets of rage wqhich ripped of double dragon dragon

looks no where close to the early footage in quality. I'm sure it plays fine though.

@beetnek: in jaffe's game it wasn't north korea but the idea was you were in a group of american troops fighting insurgents in the US and it had a whole morality system to it. It was meant for PSP.

@LordThayer: I got the same levelk of service when my launch unit RROD'd a couple years ago. no problems since.

@Ashlee Kelly: IIRC the beatles used strats pretty regularly. maybe a special finish to the current controller but I wouldn't expect more.

@unit: It was developed on the XNA platform so 360 seems a given but the benefit of XNA is it will port to most any other platform pretty easily. No guarantees.

@godlyzombie: one problem with just straight full motion capture....it looks terrible on creepy over stylized models. @godlyzombie: well here's the thing you can only calibrate lag in the pause menu on the demo and it still uses the dumb lag wizard the animation syncs up fine in Rock bands 2 because everyone auto

@DukeOfPwn: thing is she would've been paid either way. I mean the game was always under the guidance of harold ramis, what looked so fake about it?

@Cogito: my last was GH3 I rented and beat GHWT in a weekend and was meh'd.